MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Anti-voter bill

WHAT:  Constitutional Amendment legislation that will make it harder for citizens like you to have a say. Issues like raising the minimum wage, restoring voting rights, fair districts, class size, or funding land and water conservation, which have all passed by ballot initiative, would have failed under this current package of bills - 

the Anti-Voter Initiative Bills:  HB 57 & SB 232; HB 7111 & SB 7096.  


WHY:  When legislators totally fail to pass laws we need to protect the environment, we need to be able to pass constitutional amendments to accomplish our public interest goals.


This legislation is moving fast.  Action is needed NOW.   


WHO:  Call your legislators; tell them you are a constitutent asking them to vote no on these bills.  If you have petitioned or campaigned for a constitutional amendment, mention that too.  Here is a great tool to make it easy to call and email your legislators--  the the Anti-Voter Initiative Bills   (Please click "wrong information" because my info is in it and you need to enter your address.)



For more information

Big Tallahassee special interests groups have already made Florida's process the most difficult in the nation, and politicians keep making it harder for citizens to have a voice in our government of, by and for the people.  


The Anti-Voter Initiative bills anti voter bill make it near impossible, whether it is by requiring two-thirds of voters to approve a measure or setting up unconstitutional barriers to gathering required petitions for a measure to even appear on the ballot.


This line of attack is nothing new. Big special interests that control the Florida Legislature have consistently worked to take away and limit the ability of citizens to participate in a fair and democratic process.

The right of citizens like you to participate in our democracy is our country's most-fundamental underlying value.  


It is time to speak up, and take action. Tell your legislators to vote NO on this package of Anti-Voter Initiative bills!

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