MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Senate Bill That Puts the Public at Risk - It May Be Worse Than Their Healthcare Bill

(CNN) As early as this summer, the US Senate could take up a bill that would dramatically tilt the scale from public interest to corporate interest on common sense safeguards for consumers, workers, safety, health and the environment.”
“The bill was crafted to provide Wall Street, fossil fuel companies, industrial polluters and others with new tools to grind the wheels of public protections to a halt, making it harder for individuals to hold corporations to account.”
“Portman's bill, by design, would paralyze our ability to keep up with changing times and respond to emerging threats like financial scams and toxic chemicals that harm consumers, or industrial practices that endanger workers. It would also make it easier for corporations to overturn existing protections in court and diminish the worth of the legal, scientific and economic expertise in the federal agencies we depend on to know their subjects best, by imposing subjective rulemaking standards that invite litigation.”
“The Regulatory Accountability Act isn't a stand-alone initiative. It's the legislative centerpiece of a larger effort by the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to overthrow the entire system of rules-based safeguards we have a right to expect from our government.”
“Trump and his enablers on Capitol Hill, for example, speak of "midnight regulations" rushed through behind closed doors, "regulatory overreach" from "unelected bureaucrats" or what White House chief strategist Steve Bannon calls "the administrative state," the idea that somehow government has no role in protecting our safety, health, environment and financial security.”

Look to the right hand side of this page  for your senators' phone numbers.  You know the drill by now .......ask them to describe what this bill does for the good of the American people. 

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