MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

'Protest to Protect our Neighborhoods' News & Needed Actions

Neighbors, Wow!  I mean, WOW!!

GREAT turnout at today's "Protest to Protect our Neighborhoods!!"

This picture below shows only part of the crowd of approximately 70 residents that lined both sides of West Castillo Drive.  What a great way to rep for protecting St Augustine's neighborhoods!  Seventy(!!!) - we thought if we got 30 it would be highly successful.
Included in the enthusiastic (but well behaved) crowd was the young man below who, even at his tender age, knows that the city shouldn't be bailing out developers who make bad cost estimates.  Do you think maybe our Commissioners might figure that out too?  Hope so. Maybe we're looking at a future Mayor?

Many THANKS to Indivisible St Johns for their help and superb support. Also, THANK YOU to the City of St Augustine Neighborhood Council for sharing event information with our nine neighborhood associations. Thanks also to the Griffin family of Grove Ave who provided logistic support, a few strong young men, made parking available and were just all-around awesome!

Most of all, THANK YOU to the many, many residents who took time from their Saturday to come out in the heat and voice strong support for upholding zoning and protecting our city's authentic neighborhoods!  
What a GREAT signal!

Now, as successful as today's protest/rally was, it is VITAL that every Commissioner hears from you.  PLEASE email every Commissioner and let them know you support maintaining HP-5 zoning at Barnacle Bill's and protecting the North City and Abbott Tract National Register Districts. Here are there emails addresses:

Nancy Shaver - NShaver@citystaug.com
Todd Neville - TNeville@citystaug.com
Roxanne Horvath - Rhorvath@citystaug.com
Leanna Freeman - LFreeman@citystaug.com
Nancy Sikes-Kline - NSikesKline@citystaug.com
If they don't hear from you, they'll never know...
Also, PLEASE come speak on the record at the Rezoning Request's public hearing at 5:00 PM on July 10th.  At a previous hearing the developer had his tourism and development buddies (most of whom do not even live in our city) express their support for expanding the hotel Planned Unit Development further into HP-5.  It's up to those of us who actually live in the City of St Augustine and depend on the protections of City Code and zoning to STAND UP AND BE HEARD!  PLEASE come speak on Monday, July 10th. 

On behalf of St Augustine Residents Count and VERY grateful for such awesome neighbors,

Lee Geanuleas

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