MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Stand Against Hate

Stand against hate

“Tell everyone on this train I love them.’’

Those were the last words spoken by 23-year-old Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, a Portland, Oregon MAX train passenger who died defending two teenage Muslim girls from threats from a white supremacist.

This horrific hate crime should be a wake-up call for all.

Two men (also, Rick John Best, 53) interrupting their daily lives, died standing up to hate on a commuter train. Another (Micah David-Cole Fletcher, 21) is in serious condition from his wounds.

Is this a growing disturbing trend in our country? Have aggressive behavior, intimidation and violence become acceptable without accountability in most cases? There is a sense now that hate and anger directed toward a person is deserved.
How did we get to this extreme divisiveness in this country? Do we just accept, shrug and move forward as if this is the new normal?

We — both political sides — must and can  make a difference by speaking up against the toxic hate that is rampant in our country.
Think about these heroes who took a brave stand on the MAX train. Think about Taliesin’s last words.

As we know, remaining silent is tacit approval of the status quo.

Marilyn Bagdona

Marilyn is one of the founders of Indivisible St Johns

Traverse City, MI
Letters to the Editor: 06/04/2017

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