MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Progressive Community Picnic - a Multi-Group Community and Family Picnic

When: Sunday, July 2, 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Where: Willie Galimore Center
399 Riberia St., St. Augustine

The Progressive Community Picnic will take place from noon to 4:00 pm on July 2nd at the Willie Galimore Center, 399 Riberia St. in Lincolnville, St. Augustine. 

The facilities include a shaded outdoor field , a large air-conditioned indoor area, and indoor restrooms. The center has some picnic benches outside by the playground and there are tables and chairs for inside use only that can be set up. Ample free parking is available, and there will be attendants to assist with the parking.

The idea of bringing together all of the different progressive groups in St. Johns County (and beyond) struck a chord with many different organizations, who have indicated they will participate. While each of our groups has its own identity, there appears to be a thirst for something positive to counter our general malaise and allow us to convene with others of like mind to share our thoughts, hopes, and plans for the future in a convivial setting... to break bread together and talk with our neighbors, share our experiences, and relieve our anxieties.

Attending a community picnic on the Fourth of July weekend resonates within us as a reminder of our shared history and interconnectedness. Though the printer was unable to publish it until the July 4th, it was, after all, on July 2nd that the founders actually signed our Declaration of Independence. It is an appropriate day to celebrate the ideals of equality, fairness, and citizenship. It is our heritage, and we must own it.

Our participating groups are encouraged to bring their own tents, tables and chairs and information about their organization in order to network with each other.  

There will be two local food vendors (including vegetarian) for people who will not arrive with their own picnic baskets.  

John Pilecki is organizing the musicians and can be contacted at johnpilecki@gmail.com.

And there will be activities for young and old.  Games and activities Coordinator Amy Goldin can be contacted at algoldin@comcast.net.  She welcomes ideas for games and volunteers.

For more information about the picnic, contact Jim Henry at jimhenry2@gmail.com.

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