MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Petition To Censure Trump Gains Momentum

“One of the initiators of the petition is Richard Painter, a lifelong Republican, professor of corporate law at the University of Minnesota, and chief White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush between 2005 and 2007. Discussing the petition, Painter said:
“The Constitution of the United States protects every citizen’s right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. And Congress has the right to censure its own members as well as presidents. The behavior of President Trump in his first six months in office, as specified in our Petition, clearly warrants his immediate censure by Congress. I urge our fellow citizens to join us in our effort, and I implore every member of Congress to exercise his or her authority to censure President Trump for his gross misconduct in office as specified in our Petition.”
“The petition, which can be found on its website, asks both the Senate and the House of Representatives to censure Trump.  The petitioners plan to collect more signatures and then present them to every member of Congress for appropriate action.”
“Censure is a condemnation while impeachment involves a trial, starting with the House adopting “articles of impeachment” and the Senate holding the trial. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the chief justice of the United States presides over the trial.”
“While many of our grounds for censure may support President Trump’s Impeachment,” Jules Bernstein, a veteran Washington, D.C. labor lawyer who helped start the petition drive, “at a minimum they warrant his immediate censure by both Houses of Congress.”
The petition “is a simple and easy way for people to be heard and fight back,” explained Bernstein. “It would serve to combat Trump’s normalization, let Congress know how people feel, and remind the press and public of all the terrible things he’s done.”
Sign the Petition – then contact your MoCs and let them know that you’ve signed the petition calling for Censure of the President.

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