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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Ron DeSantis is scared of guns???

 UNMasking Ron DeSantis' rational fear of guns at HIS events!

The rest of us? We're on our own.


In Defense of Gun Control

House Bill 1543 allows 18-year-olds to own long guns.

Shootem-up Republican Legislators and Governor Let-Them-Die DeSantis want 18-year-olds to own long guns. Folks, that’s AR-15 assault weapons. Not hunting rifles. Killing guns. Guns that kill children and adults in school, on the street, in church, a large facility, the grocery store and even in the home. How about openly carrying a gun? Yep. Need a permit? Of course not. Those same Florida Republican “Thoughts and prayers” Legislators and Governor are all for it. Who votes for this crowd?!

·         March 22, 2023 a high school student in Denver Colorado shot two faculty members.

·         The United States is the only country that has more civilian-owned guns than people.

Florida’s mass shootings in the past ten years occurred in a nightclub, a high school, an airport and naval base. The Valentine’s Day Massacre that occurred at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school shocked Florida and the nation.  Students formed the March For Our Lives marches, rallies and protests.

Student activists with March for Our Lives will demonstrate in five U.S. state capitols this week to mark five years since the original marches in the wake of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.

DeSantis has a 100% rating with the NRA.  The Governor and Florida Legislature plan to put more long guns in the hands of those under the age of 19. Watch HB 1543 get passed by these clowns.

Google Mass Shootings. You will find facts showing most shootings are done by 18, 19, and 20-year-olds. 18-20-year-olds commit gun violence and homicide three times more than 21-year-olds.

Did the Shootem-up Florida Republican Governor and Legislature leave their intellect at home? Did they forget their oath to defend the people of Florida? Yes. Of course, they did!

Carol Enge Scott 2023

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