The year 2020 sorely
tested our faith in humanity. Yet even among the vile rhetoric and cruel
policies, there was kindness. I implore you to watch this life-changing
documentary and soak in the compassion and empathy. Let it wash you clean (as
much as possible) of the past four years of ugliness. Let us remember that
these values — love, compassion, kindness, and empathy for all fellow
humans—are what underlie our drive as Democrats to create a better world. These
are what motivate us to elect people like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who have
the capacity and willingness to enact policies and programs that bring out the
best in all of us—not the worst.
Let the ideals portrayed in this documentary be a guidepost for moving forward on this first day of a brand-new year.
https://theantidotemovie.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAxKv_BRBdEiwAyd40N373rJHt61GE5HhRC5igV8yXN3HL4heq-BMmrEc3uPhd4fYPQmQGmBoCdHoQAvD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR0nZB9FtdVosxSa5pGlYWO513RbWwUPsXM4GqntfFEUQq1n_k_f7LynqboWE HAVE TO STAY ON TOP OF THIS:
Our first Zoom meeting for 2021 will be on Thursday, January 7th, 6:30 pm. Here is a link for the Zoom Meeting:
Topic: Env. Caucus Meeting 01/07/2021
Time: Jan 7, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
We will be honored by having as guests the following candidates endorsed by our County and/or State Democratic Environmental Caucus in November's election. Some came up short, but all had the gumption and courage of conviction to run on progressive environmental platforms in this deep Red, conservative Northeast Florida region:
• Barbara Blonder, City of St. Augustine Commission - Seat 2
• Nicole Crosby, St. Johns Soil & Water Conservation
District - District 3
• Gayle Gardner, Anastasia Mosquito Control District - Seat
• Heather Hunter, Florida Senate - District 7
• Mary Lawrence, St. Johns Soil & Water District -
District 5
• Joe McAnarney, Srt. Johns County Commission - District -1
• Robert Olson, St. Augustine, St. Johns County Airport
Authority - Group 4
• Dave Rogers, Florida House - District 17
• Jane West, St. Augustine Port, Waterway and Beach District - Group 2
• The candidates who were successful in their runs were in
non-partisan races. Does this suggest that, while progressive environmental
positions such as dealing forthrightly with sea level rise, advocating for
sensible limits on the burgeoning construction growth in the region, and proposing
regulations on plastic bags and other items hazardous to the environment, are
popular with voters, many of those voters are hesitant to vote for
office-seekers with a "D" next to their names? If so, how can we as
Democrats change this? If better messaging is a possible solution, what would
be some specific tactics?
• There is a movement afoot in Florida and other states for
Democrats in Republican/conservative regions such as ours to run candidates for
offices previously uncontested and thought to be unwinnable. Below is a
link to an article from the September 7/14 issue of "The
Nation" that addresses this effort, which is very much alive in Florida.
For the very first time in decades, every Florida House District had a Democrat
on the ballot, thanks in large part to the efforts of the Democratic
Environmental Caucus of Florida, and its President, Janelle Christenson. What
are the pros and cons of this "cover every base" effort?
• What are the most urgent challenges to the environment in our region? What are the best approaches - political and otherwise - to meet these challenges?
This is certainly not a comprehensive list. I am sure
our members and guests will come up with other topics that we can discuss.
If you have any suggestions before the meeting, pass them along to me before
Jan. 7th. Please contact John Pilecki for the dues form if you'd like to formally join the caucus. John Pilecki johnpilecki@gmail.com
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