As we continue processing last week’s events and monitoring developments over the next few weeks, we wish we could say we were surprised. While the exact nature of the insurrection might not have been on our 2021 bingo card, the truth is that Indivisibles have known all along that this is where Trump and the GOP’s dangerous rhetoric was leading -- and that Donald Trump himself was just an avatar for the much deeper far-right sentiments that were brewing.
Our big plans for 2021 -- major democracy reform and all the progressive policies it’ll enable -- aren’t going anywhere. But for any of it to last, we have to ensure real accountability for those who’ve vowed to destroy American democracy, and that starts with Donald Trump. Our movement has what it takes to see these fights through to the end. Thanks for staying with us -- and if you're looking for another way to build pressure, call your members of Congress and ask them to take action.
Many of you, like us, may have felt overwhelmed and powerless as you sat watching the events that transpired last week. But even in our darkest moments, Indivisibles have proven that when we band together, we have the power to deliver monumental change.
Last week, we launched our latest Indivisible Guide -- A Practical Guide to Fixing our Democracy -- to help navigate the lessons from the past four years and outline the next steps we need to take to emerge from this crisis.
Get familiar with our latest Indivisible Guide. We’ve learned a lot over the last four years and have big ideas about how to make sure we’re prepared to make the most of a Democratic trifecta. Now that we have the power to enact bold, lasting change, we have to make sure our members of Congress hear our demands. Read the guide to learn about our priorities, get tips about effectively applying pressure on our elected officials, and understand the structural reforms capable of fixing our democracy.
Join us to advocate for democracy reforms
Telephone/Post Card/E-mail Advocacy
January 15, 2021 No Meeting at Growers Alliance
Click HERE for this week's Topic and Talking Points
and the Interfaith Tribute to MLK on Monday, Jan. 18
Neighbors, If you've missed all those political candidate yard signs that seemed to be everywhere back in November, then I've got a deal for you.The Sebastian Inland Harbor PUD signs are in!If you want one of the snazzy yard signs shown below, head over to 257 Riberia ST - they're in the driveway. If you're so inclined and want to make a contribution, you can leave a few bucks in the mailbox. Fighting for neighborhood quality of life doesn't come free.
Here's the link to the PUD impact information:
Now, there are a million snide comments I could make about shrinking the PUD, but I'll just take a pass...
The Commission's "first reading" for the PUD amendment is 25 January. Please help St Augustine's City Commissioner realize this PUD is too dense, too intense and we're incensed!Feel free to forward this email.On behalf of St Augustine Residents Count and still writing poetryLee Geanuleas
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