MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

August's Indivisible meeting AGENDA. We're at the UU the first Thursday of every month.Bring a friend


August 2, 2018


        Welcome to members, new and old

        Jeanne Moeller, Mosquito District candidate

Ongoing activities: Postcard parties, letters to editor and original blog posts, canvassing and phone banking needs, fundraising, social, tabling with info materials, upcoming events.

Discussion of new and shorter newsletters

Discussion of enrollment form and reason for it, due 8/11

Discussion of Amendments

Discussion of endorsements, past and going forward

        Q & A

ADDRESS: 2487 A1A S, St Augustine, FL 32080

Monday, July 30, 2018

Some good and sad news from Jen's Americans for Conscience. Take care of yourself. This is no joke.

Americans of Conscience Checklist
Week of July 29, 2018

Halfway through our 2-week summer break
We're currently on a break (the Checklist is back next week), but we have good news, sad news, and one action to share.

Good things​​​​​​​
Love notes: We received sweet notes of thanks from both Kat Calvin (Spread the Vote) and AILA NYC for recognizing and contributing to their work. ​​​​​

Awesome update: One of the recipients of our ICE detention love notes was Nestor Avila. I learned that he just received his work permit and feels “so excited and blessed to have this opportunity.” Our friend Susan K, who knows him personally added, "Thank you for the letter writing rally that happened for Nestor. At that point he was deeply sad, and those letters were a lifeline for him. I saw his sadness and brokenness. You made a huge difference in his life path."

​​​​​​New subscribers! In one month, the checklist has increased almost 6,000 new subscribers, thanks to you and the help of our amazing Ambassadors.

Generosity! In order to reach more Americans with the Checklist, last month we did double-match fundraiser. Not only did we meet our $5000 goal, we exceeded it--and one of our angels has agreed to match up to $7500. The most exciting part? We'll be able to roll out our new website even sooner! Thank you!

​​​​​​The sad news

This past week, one of our key volunteers (and my good friend), Angela Ingermann, was killed in a car accident. She was such a bright light in the world--encouraging, sincere, hardworking, inspiring. Our team--and everyone who loved her--is heartbroken by this unexpected loss.

Just this year, Angela was instrumental in passing legislation in Oregon that protects domestic abuse survivors from further violence. If you're able, please consider making a donation to Moms Demand Action in her honor.

Gentle reminder: Keep doing self care

As we take a final break week from the checklist, take a moment with these words from Angela:

"When you feel guilty for feeling happy, remember that when we can squeeze joy into our lives, we fortify ourselves to sustain this work. In other words, we need the joy to strengthen us and help us advocate for those immigrant families and for our democracy. Moments of joy are our hidden strength."

Be well. Find joy.
-- Jen Hofmann

P.O. Box 9233
Brooks OR 97305

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Indivisible East Bay focused on the Judiciary for appointments and immigrantion.. July 31 things you can do in minutes.

Call To Action–Family Separation at the Border

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 31, at 10am ET. Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding an oversight hearing on immigration enforcement. It’s calling immigration officials to account for their cruel and irresponsible family separation policy. Our rallies, calls, and emails have already accomplished a lot. Here’s something more we can do.
If your Senator is NOT on the Judiciary Committee, you can call or email him/her to attend the hearing and to ask Committee members to thoroughly examine the immigration officials.
Suggested Script (Senator NOT on Judiciary Committee): Hi, my name is [name] and I’m a constituent from [zip code]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to attend the Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration on Tuesday, July 31 at 10am. Please urge Committee members to find out how this cruel family separation happened and how these families will be reunited. I have been so worried and appalled by our government’s treatment of these young children and their parents. The children might be damaged for life. Please make these immigration agencies take responsibility and fix the situation.
If your Senator IS ON the Judiciary Committee, lucky you, you can ask him/her to grill the immigration officials on what they have done and how they plan to fix it. Your group can also submit questions to your Senator that he/she can ask the immigration officials.  A list of Senators on the Judiciary Committee is here.
Suggested Script (Senator IS ON Judiciary Committee): Hi, my name is [name] and I’m a constituent from [zip code]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to thoroughly examine the immigration officials at the Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, July 31. Please find out how this cruel family separation happened and how these families will be reunited. I have been so worried and appalled by our government’s treatment of these young children and their parents. The children might be damaged for life. Please make these immigration agencies take responsibility and fix the situation.
The hearing will be simulcast online and you can also watch the video later online. Here.

Calls To Action–Judicial Nominations

  1. Call your Senators to vote against Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has a record against women’s reproductive rights, environmental protection, consumer protection, workers’ rights and common sense gun safety. Most troubling of all, he has said that a sitting President should be exempt from criminal prosecution and investigation, including questioning by prosecutors and defense counsel. No wonder Trump likes him! Ask your Senators to vote against this nominee who would gut Roe v. Wade and give someone like Trump even greater executive power.
  2. Call your Senators to vote against Eric Murphy for a lifetime judgeship to the federal appeals court, one step below the U.S. Supreme Court. Murphy has a record against voting rights, women’s reproductive rights, and marriage equality. His own Senator, Sherrod Brown (D-OH), has already said he will vote against Murphy.
  3. Call your Senators to vote against Ryan Nelson for a lifetime judgeship to the federal appeals court, the liberal-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has been a bulwark against Trump’s policies. Nelson has a questionable record of supporting expansive presidential powers, a troublesome position to take under the current President. Nelson also sided with the fossil fuel industry against environmental groups when he was an attorney with the Bush-Cheney administration.
To find out the names of your U.S. Senators and their phone numbers, you can call the Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121.

Lobbying Your Senators Made Easy

Herd on the Hill has developed a super-easy online tool to tell your Senators to vote against Trump’s unfit court nominees. It’s all there: Call To Action scripts, background info, and a messaging tool that looks up your Senators for you. You only have to write the message. Herd on the Hill uses our scripts and keeps them up-to-date. Tell your Senators to vote against Trump’s unacceptable nominees here.

And more…

Ranking member Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) asks Chairman Grassley of Judiciary Committee to join in a bipartisan document request for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The documents would focus on Kavanaugh’s time working as counsel in the Bush-Cheney administration from 2001-2006. This was an era of many controversial policies, including torture of civilians.


    • Nominations hearing in Senate Judiciary Committee.  Check the schedule and watch the video of the most recent hearing here. Nominees are questioned by the Senators on their records and qualifications. Please read The Bum’s Rush For Our Courts to learn what a travesty these hearings have become under Republican leadership.
    • Vote by Senate Judiciary Committee (Executive Business Meeting). Check the schedule and watch the video of the most recent meeting here. Nominees are voted out of Committee and go to the Senate floor for a final vote by full Senate.
    • We follow the Senate Floor Monitor on Twitter for a blow-by-blow account of what’s happening on the Senate floor.
  • UPDATED: 7/26/18

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Indivisible groups endorsing candidates all over the country. August is the month to get out the vote!

Learn more about the latest IndivisiCandidates chosen by the people, for the people.

Our movement only keeps growing and getting stronger.
Over the last 5 months, Indivisibles have nominated and voted for 23 candidates -- 15 of whom won their primaries and move on to November, and five candidates who still have their primaries in the weeks ahead.  
Those candidates like Paulette Jordan in Idaho, Liuba Grechen Shirley in New York, and Jeramey Anderson in Mississippi, represent our movement’s values and have committed to fighting for:  
️Universal health care coverage
️Immigrant justice and protections for Dreamers
️Campaign finance reform
️Reproductive choice
Today, 24 candidates, nominated and supported by Indivisible groups in the districts and states they wish to represent, join their ranks.

Meet our latest IndivisiCandidates

We're THRILLED about this group of candidates, and how they truly represent the power of our nationwide, on-the-ground political program. This round:
  • 14 candidates come from the South, running on progressive platforms in ruby red districts and states.
  • 12 of our candidates are women (50%!), and four are women of color, who are running to change the old boys’ club in DC.
  • Indivisibles in Tennessee have endorsed 7 (yes, SEVEN!) candidates as they work to flip six house seats and the governor's mansion in the Volunteer State.
Here are a few candidates we think you should keep an eye on as we head to November (check out the full slate here!): 
We’re proud to endorse Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), nominated by Indivisible Somerville. The 7th District is one of the most diverse, yet most unequal, districts in the country. 30% of households make over $100,000 annually, while 16% of families in this district live below the poverty line. Ayanna is challenging 20-year Democratic incumbent Mike Capuano in the primary on September 4. She commits to being more than just a reliable vote -- she wants to bring the voices of her district to DC and go to bat for bold, progressive policies. Massachusetts has also never elected a black woman to Congress… and Ayanna hopes to change that.
Kara Eastman won Nebraska’s 2nd District Democratic primary in May. In November, she’ll face Republican incumbent Don Bacon who voted “yes” on TrumpCare and to strip health care from 55,000 of his constituents. Kara isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in, or call out the Trump administration for failing Nebraskans. That’s why she’s running on a platform of Medicare for All and common sense gun safety laws. Kara was endorsed by Nebraska Grassroots Progressives.
If elected, Andrew Gillum would become the first black governor of Florida. The first step to victory? Winning the Democratic primary on August 28. Andrew is the only non-millionaire seeking the Democratic nomination. He has a strong progressive platform that would increase teacher pay, raise the minimum wage, and fight NRA-backed laws like Stand Your Ground. Andrew was endorsed by Indivisible Action Tampa Bay.
Last month, Deb Haaland secured the Democratic nomination to represent New Mexico’s 1st District in November. Should she win this open seat, she’d become the first Native American woman elected to Congress. Deb plans to fight for underrepresented communities and lend her voice to issues plaguing her community, like the GOP tax scam, accessible and affordable health care, and protections for Dreamers. Deb was endorsed by Indivisible Nob Hill.
We’re excited by these candidates, and allllllll of the candidates, Indivisibles are identifying in their communities and supporting between now and November. Find the complete list of IndivisiCandidates  -- including today’s 24 newly-endorsed candidates -- here!

Keep the blue wave momentum going

You’re doing the nitty-gritty, roll-up-your-sleeves electoral work needed to win from now to November. This weekend marks #100DaysOut from the midterm elections and Indivisible groups are celebrating in true Indivisible-style -- planning a coast-to-coast weekend of action with 108 events planned (and counting!).
This weekend, Indivisible groups will:
🚪 Canvass their communities to support locally and nationally endorsed candidates.
📋 Register voters to make sure every. single. person. is ready to vote in November.
️ Hold statewide phone banks to start talking to voters about races up and down the ballot.
Thank you for everything you do to support and grow this movement. We’re so grateful for you, for the thousands of Indivisible groups across the country, and for the dozens of progressive candidates endorsed by our movement. Together, we’re reshaping our democracy and what’s politically possible.
Now, let’s make this a weekend of action that will have Republicans shaking in their boots m-o-n-t-h-s before November 6.
In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas (at least two in every congressional district!). Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies.
Indivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

A Win for transgender rights in St Johns County public schools.

In case you missed it, this is a big win for our county. Members of Indivisible St Johns were there to testify for transgender rights before the Board of Education here along with other groups months ago when the case first began.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Indivisible writers continue to speak out! Today's St Augustine Record:

Carol has been an Indivisible St Johns supporter since its inception. Thank you! Letters and articles can be sent to St Augustine Record Opinion Editor

St Augustine Record Friday July 27, 2018

EDITOR: If the latest poll can be trusted, it is pretty frightening to see Ron DeSantis leading Adam Putnam in the Republican gubernatorial primary race. While I have no sentiment or support for either, I wonder how voters accept DeSantis when he channels the POTUS in votes that hurt citizens of Florida and the U.S — and gushes a crass comment about a woman!
• Voted for the U.S.-Mexico border wall. (Taxpayers’ expense.)
• Voted against giving a path to citizenship to DACA residents.
• Voted to block debate that would require the GOP administration to promptly reunify children (who they kidnapped) and parents.
• Voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
DeSantis also took a page from the POTUS by demeaning a woman. At a recent political rally in Orange Park, DeSantis ranted, “You look at this girl Ocasio-Cortez, or whatever she is, I mean she’s in a totally different universe.” Sound familiar?
Bless his heart.
Carol E. Scott, The Hammock

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Letter to the Editor by Karen Neff, Indivisible St Johns founder. Keep up the good work!

We're sorry for this image but we wanted to get it out early. Things are heating up and we need to make our voices heard. Thanks to everyone who writes and publishes for the resistance! Send your letters and OpEds to: Jim Sutton: Jim.sutton@staugustine.com

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Letter to the editor by John Pilecki, Dem Environmental Caucus leader and Indivisible member

Thank you John!

‘Missed opportunity’ misses the point
EDITOR: “Missed opportunity” is the Republican talking point used by, among others, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Rep. John Rutherford of Florida to describe President Trump’s failure to confront Vladimir Putin with Russia’s meddling in our electoral process. While adequate to describe a missed putt during a round of golf or a missed job interview, those two words fall short when applied to a commander in chief’s abdication of responsibility to defend our nation’s security and democratic traditions.
John Pilecki, North Beach

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Our NEFL Indivisibles faithfully continue to visit Rubio's office. See what they talked about Tuesday.

Check our weekly newsletter for dates and times for Rubio and Rutherford office visits. Anyone is welcome to join them. Here's what was discussed with Rubio's office Tuesday, with a written request for response. You can bring your own concerns. Email indivisible.st.johns@gmail.com if you're interested in going or contact David below.

Sen. Rubio                                                                                                       July 17, 2018

Supreme Court Nomination
The president promised in 2015 to appoint justices who would overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and end a women’s right to exercise free choice and access to legal abortions.  Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh has no reservations against overturning these well established Supreme Court precedents.
A case regarding key protections for patients with pre-existing conditions could be making its way to the Court soon. If confirmed, Kavanaugh may be the deciding vote in repealing the health care law and stripping affordable health insurance away from millions. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of all Americans have at least one pre-existing condition, including 75 percent of people ages 45 to 54 and 84 percent of people between the ages of 55 to 64.
The above are only two of many reasons why we urge you to reject the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
Universal, affordable health care is a human right. Reproductive choice is a woman’s responsibility in consultation with her family and physician. We urge you to support these principles.

Social Security/Family Leave
Your proposed legislation to create national paid parental leave will result in cuts to future earned Social Security benefits. While the United States is the only developed nation that does not offer paid leave, your plan forces families to choose between caring for a new child and risking their financial security in retirement.
Your proposal would allow parents of newborns or newly adopted children to take twelve weeks from their Social Security benefits early, later reducing or delaying that person’s benefits at retirement age to make up the difference. Retirees would have to delay their Social Security benefits by approximately twenty five weeks per each paid leave, more than twice as long as the initial time off.

The progressive FAMILY Act would give people up to 12 weeks of paid time off, earning up to two-thirds of their regular wages, to care for new children or deal with serious family or health issues. In contrast to the Rubio-Trump bill, it is funded by a small increase in payroll taxes – less than $2 per person – instead of pitting family leave and earned Social Security benefits against each other.
We urge you to support S.337 - FAMILY Act, not the Rubio-Trump plan to cut Social Security.

Businesses have been more successful at regaining losses from the downturn. Since the recession ended in 2009, corporate profits have grown at an annualized rate of 6.5 percent.  Yearly wage growth has yet to hit 3 percent. And when it does, the Federal Reserve — which has a mandate to keep inflation under control even as it is supposed to maximize employment — can be expected to tap the brakes.

With tariffs piling up and potentially pushing prices higher, odds are that the Fed will push through two more increases before 2018 ends. The Labor Department reported this week that one inflation measure, the Consumer Price Index, had increased 2.9 percent in 12 months — the highest level in six years.
As Fed policymakers have explained, allowing the economy to run too hot “could lead eventually to a significant economic downturn.” And persistent wage increases, unlike growing profit margins, are considered a signal that the heat is on.
In 2000, when the jobless rate last fell below 4 percent, corporations pulled in 8.3 percent of the nation’s total income in the form of profits; wages and salaries across the entire work force accounted for roughly 66 percent. Now, the jobless rate is again fluttering below 4 percent. But corporate profits account for 13.2 percent of the nation’s income. Workers’ compensation has fallen to 62 percent.

Tariffs, Foreign Relations, Sanctions and Abandonment of US Allies
Whether it is Russia’s interference in the election, its annexation of Crimea, or its intervention in Syria, Mr. Trump’s statements either undercut, or flatly contradict, those of his lieutenants. We urge you and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee insist that our government officials speak with one voice in negotiations with all foreign powers threatening the US including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

Last Tuesday the Senate passed a non-binding measure calling for Congress to have a role in tariffs imposed on the basis of national security, an implicit rebuke of President Trump's move to tax imported steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico, the European Union and other trading partners.
Republican Senators Corker and Toomey had previously sought a vote on a more forceful push for congressional oversight of Trump's tariffs, but their efforts were not backed by GOP leadership and did not get a vote.  We urge you to rebuke Senate Leadership in this regard.

Immigration Reform
ICE and HHS are failing to meet court imposed deadlines to reunite children and families.  As parents and grandparents, it is heart wrenching to see images of children being torn away from moms and dads who have crossed the border in search of asylum.
It is disturbing to learn about immigrant families being held indefinitely in detention camps (including many located on military bases laden with toxics) and the construction of Trump's wall that threatens to cut through border communities. As people who value the well-being of all children, it's important to take a stand for vulnerable immigrant families and our border communities.

In last week’s newsletter you said “On Wednesday, I spoke on the Senate floor about the harmful algae blooms related to discharges from Lake Okeechobee. Following my request on Sunday to President Trump, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers delayed Monday’s scheduled discharges from Lake Okeechobee to the St. Lucie River.”
Again, you readily support mitigation of environmental damage while doing nothing to address the sources of Okeechobee pollution from ‘Big Sugar’ and cattle ranchers.  You have consistently voted to weaken the EPA, overturn environmental regulations that address waterway pollution, climate change and sea level rise in order to promote job growth.  In the long run, job creation will suffer as tourism declines, drinking water supplies are threatened and coastal areas become uninhabitable due to flooding and storm damage. We strongly urge you to address the root causes and threats to Florida’s fragile and vulnerable environment.

Will you include reengineering of the Florida canal system in any proposed infrastructure bill, and assure that the entities responsible are identified?
Background: The Florida canal system is out dated. It was designed to function by gravity fed drainage which is failing as sea level rises. The engineers who designed the canal system expected it to be improved 10 years ago, which was not done. The system is therefore obsolete, causing flooding both inland and in the coasts as sea levels rise. The Army Corps of Engineers designed the canal system and the Water Management Systems maintain them. Neither has budgeted massive reengineering projects. Funding the canal overhaul requires a federal infrastructure investment creating employment opportunities for Floridians.

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
The ACLU Congressional Scorecard evaluates votes by members of Congress on key legislation affecting civil liberties and civil rights since January 2017. Regrettably, you voted 95% of the time with party ideologues in opposition to positions recommended by the ACLU. See the complete report here.

Respectfully, on behalf of Northeast Florida Indivisible

David Johnson, dj.jj@icloud.com, Orange Park, FL 32073, 904-514-4304