MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

DeSantis is determined to eliminate dissent by killing us



Florida under vindictive Governor Medicare Fraud Millionaire (aka Rick Scott) refused to take the Federal deal to expand Medicaid under Obamacare. No surprise there from a guy who made his fortune ripping off the Feds for his own benefit but petty enough to refuse to better the lives of his poorer constituents. DeSantis couldn't muster the balls to correct that and is now taking the opportunity to make their lives even more miserable. Not to worry though; there's a PROCESS in place for those who want to take the time and have the bandwidth to determine if they MIGHT still be eligible. From reporting by Fox 13 News: https://www.fox13news.com/news/millions-of-floridians-may-lose-medicaid-coverage

Why is this important? Well, consider how busy your own day is between feeding your family, caring for your kids, worrying about their safety in schools (I mean guns, not teachers, not books, not drag queen story time) and your own daily work schedule. Does anyone really think these next twelve months will be easy for them to determine if they still qualify?

With hospitals short handed or even closing across the country, is anyone able to make the connection between lack of guaranteed funding (Medicaid) and the brain drain in our state as doctors, nurses and EMTs burn out? People will get sicker, cost more to help and more critically, die. This is genocide: the eradication of a demographic deemed problematic to the state. We okay with that? I'm ashamed to live in Florida for multiple reasons but this one is close to home. I know too many friends whose lives will be devastated by this cruel and unnecessary act. While DeSantis travels around on our dime selling his whitewashed life story and extreme policies, our neighbors will be getting sick and dying. Then again,
the cruelty is the point is it not? Keep people off balance, fearful and desperate and you can keep pushing more and more restrictive laws through the sycophantic legislature. Welcome to hell. 

Mary Lawrence 2023

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