Crisis Pregnancy Center bill has been put on the Senate Appropriations on
Health and Human Service Committee for next Wednesday, January 10th
from 4:00pm-5:30pm. This is the second committee stop for the CPC
bill in the Senate.
If you are in Tallahassee, we would
love to work with you to testify or waive in opposition of the legislation.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be available to speak or
waive and we will be able to provide you any talking points and prep you may
We would like to flood call into
these targeted members’ offices. Below are the numbers for their Tallahassee
Chair: Senator Anitere Flores (R)- (850) 487-5039
Vice Chair: Senator Kelli Stargel (R)- (850) 487-5022
Senator Dennis Baxley (R) - (850) 487-5012
Senator Kathleen Passidomo (R) - (850) 487-5028
are some facts for the CPC bill in case you need any further talking points but
the bottom line for these calls would be to say, “Please vote no on SB 444,
which would legitimize these entities that are pretending to be medical
providers but do not provide medically accurate information, delaying and
risking the health care of women across the state.”
Fact Sheet: Crisis Pregnancy Centers - Fake Clinics Harming Florida
“Pregnant women absolutely need objective, accurate information
and superior services in order to make the best decision. Crisis pregnancy
centers offer the exact opposite of that. They lie, they scare, they humiliate.
These are in no way medical institutions and everyone deserves to know this
before they walk into a CPC.” – NARAL
Pro-Choice America
are Crisis Pregnancy Centers?
Crisis Pregnancy
Centers (CPCs) are anti-abortion, often religiously affiliated organizations
masquerading as women’s health clinics while failing to provide comprehensive,
evidence-based medical care. CPCs use deceptive and manipulative practices to
ultimately shame women out of getting reproductive care – particularly birth
control and abortion. These fake clinics use
deceptive advertising practices such as intentionally placing advertisements
under the “abortion services” heading of phone and Internet directories and
choosing names that are similar to abortion clinics to confuse women about what
types of services they provide. People who are pregnant and seeking
health care deserve timely access and a full range of care options, not
medically inaccurate information pushed upon them by fake clinics.
Florida lawmakers in
recent years have repeatedly attacked women’s health care, in particular targeting
access to safe and legal abortion. One of these avenues of attack by
legislative leaders has been the funding of CPCs with taxpayer dollars, despite
their pervasive use of medically inaccurate information, their practice of intentionally
misleading and shaming women, and a complete lack of state oversight to protect
Floridians from these harmful tactics.
many CPCs are there in Florida?
There are at least 120
CPCs operating in Florida. Many of these CPCs
locate themselves in close proximity to legitimate reproductive health care
facilities. Many patients have mistakenly visited a CPC because it was on the
same street—or even next door—to the actual abortion provider where they had an
the latest on Florida CPCs?
August 21st, 2017, Rep. Jackie Toledo (R-Tampa) introduced HB 41, which legitimizes
and permanently funds with taxpayer dollars CPCs that oppose abortion and
judge, shame, and mislead women. This legislation intentionally restricts
women’s access to the full range of health care services by funneling public
funds to providers that exclusively “promote and support childbirth,” while cutting
out qualified medical providers who offer the full range of family planning services
including birth control and safe, legal abortion care.
qualified family planning providers who would be denied funding by this harmful
bill simply because they provide evidence-based care—such as birth control, unbiased
reproductive health counseling, or referrals to safe and legal abortion
services—might be the only providers for miles around, leaving women in many
areas of our state with reduced access to the quality medical care they need. HB
41 is a revival of a similar bill, SB 1130, which passed the Florida House but did
not pass the Florida Senate in 2017.
policy position on CPCs does Floridians for Reproductive Freedom support?
First, Florida taxpayer
dollars should not be allocated for use by ideologically driven organizations
that mislead women and jeopardize their health. Second, all women deserve timely
and affordable access to the full range of reproductive health care services,
including birth control and abortion. Deceptive advertising by CPCs that aims
to trick women and divert them from these services should not be permitted. Third,
when a woman has decided to seek birth control, an abortion, or discuss her
reproductive health options, she deserves access to a qualified medical
provider she can trust to provide her with a full range of options and services
without an agenda, judgment or deception.