MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Read our latest advocacy by the persistent Indivisibles from our NEFL Coalition. They will NOT give up. Consider going sometime.

Sen. Rubio                                                                                           June 19, 2018

Immigration Reform

We are outraged at the inhumane and morally corrupt practice of our government to separate children form parents who legally attempt entry to our country to apply for asylum from oppression and gang violence in their homelands.
We are outraged that neither you nor Congress have taken action to oppose the President’s zero tolerance policy or to find a bipartisan legislative solution for immigration reform.

This is a time for creative leadership and action. Why not take the $25 billion Trump wants to spend on his ill-conceived wall and use it for the following solutions to address the root causes of emigration to the US?
·         Partner with Central American governments to end corruption, poverty and gang recruitment.
·         Fund mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities to eliminate the demand for illegal drugs rather than attempt to intercept sources of supply.
·         Fund desperately needed infrastructure projects to create jobs for unemployed Americans and immigrants seeking work and opportunity.
Dreamers under the DACA program have proven to be, for the most part, productive and responsible resources for the benefit our economy and national well being. There is no reason to believe asylum seekers won’t follow the same path.

You have spoken out against inhumane oppression in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and China and supported TPS.  The zero tolerance policy of the Trump administration deserves your condemnation as well.

We call on you to co-sponsor S.3036 - Keep Families Together Act.
Foreign Policy

Your skepticism on negotiations with North Korea and the role of China is justified. Agreements or promises by the President must be thoroughly vetted in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Where are concessions from North Korea in return for ending joint military training and preparedness exercises with South Korea, Japan and US?

The Trump administration is expected to pull the United States out of the U.N. Human Rights Council. In a move aimed at pandering to his nationalist base, Trump and his war cabinet have signaled they will withdraw from this key body. Nearly every day, Trump finds a way to further isolate the United States from the global stage and weaken international institutions. You must make clear your vigorous opposition to these expectations.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has yet to act on “Corker-Kaine AUMF” that would make Trump’s wide-ranging war authorities even wider.  Trump doesn’t need a blank check for war -- this bill must not become law.

Senator Corker’s retirement will create a vacancy in the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Sen. Corker was not the most senior member of that Committee so does this mean you will have a shot at becoming Chair or Ranking Member following the November elections?

Medicare, Medicaid and Health Care

Medicare's hospital trust fund, which pays for inpatient and nursing care and is mainly funded through payroll taxes, is now expected to be insolvent in 2025, three years ahead of earlier forecasts.
The other portions of Medicare — physician services, Medicare Advantage plans and prescription drug plans — are funded through general taxpayer revenue and premiums that people pay every month.
President Trump's tax overhaul reducing federal income tax rates imperils the future of Medicare. Elimination of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate means Medicare will need more money to reimburse hospitals for treating the uninsured.  How will you fulfill your promises to protect Medicare? Where is the promised bill to replace the ACA which has now been essentially repealed by the failure of Congress to act?

Will you join with members of Indivisible in affirming that access to affordable health care with no  limitations on pre-existing conditions is a fundamental human right?
PN2029 — Ronald Mortensen — Department of State nominee

This nomination has been referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for hearings.
Mortensen has smeared all immigrants as "murderers, identity thieves, gang bangers, and other assorted thugs." He is a fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, a favorite organization of racist Trump adviser Stephen Miller that has already funneled other hate-mongers into the administration and which the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a hate group for its efforts to demonize immigrants and people of color. Mortensen's work has even been shared approvingly by outright white nationalist figures.
We urge you to oppose the nomination of Ronald Mortensen to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, a role that involves overseeing refugee resettlement programs and building strong relationships with people around the world. The Trump administration has sought to impose a bigoted refugee ban and is now sabotaging refugee resettlement through layers of bureaucracy – and appointments like Mortensen – in an attempt to destroy America's legacy of welcoming those fleeing danger and violence.
Tariffs and Tax Cuts

Here are more comments made last week supporting our previous statements in opposition to tax cuts  resulting in higher interest rates and tariffs that will result in trade wars and increased burden on consumers.
A statement released at the end of the Fed’s two-day meeting said officials no longer view the United States economy as primarily needing a boost from monetary policy, and are beginning to worry more about the threat of inflation.

Gary Cohn, the former head of President Trump’s national economic council told the Washington Post that escalating trade tensions between the United States and its trading partners threaten to erase the economic growth he promised would come from Republicans’ tax law.

“Imposing tariffs places the cost of China’s unfair trade practices squarely on the shoulders of American consumers, manufacturers, farmers and ranchers. This is not the right approach,” said Tom Donohue, president and chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
We urge you to reject Trump’s tariffs and trade wars and rescind tax cuts benefiting higher income taxpayers.

Respectfully, on behalf of Indivisible Northeast Florida
David Johnson, Orange Park, FL 32073, dj.jj@icloud.com

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