MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

NEFL Indivisible, of which we are a part, continues its ACCOUNTABILITY TOUR with Senator Rubio. Consider joining them on their next visit!


Sen. Rubio                                                                                                      May 31, 2018

We applaud several comments you made in media interviews earlier this week.

·         You disagreed with President Trump’s allegation that the FBI planted a spy in his 2016 campaign.
·         You acknowledge that “it appears that there was an investigation not of the campaign but of certain individuals who have a history that we should be suspicious of that predate the presidential campaign of 2015, 2016,”
·         You dismissed moves by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in releasing three Americans and blowing part up of the country’s nuclear facility saying “It’s all a show. It’s a show,” and  “Released three Americans that were innocently there, blew up a facility that was probably already damaged with plenty of other facilities. Plus here’s the bigger point: The facility he blew up was a testing site.”
·         You have become one of Trump’s loudest critics on China. “China is trying to overtake the United States as the world’s most powerful country,” and “They’re not doing it by out innovating us or out competing us, they are doing it by stealing. They steal our intellectual property, they force our companies to transfer this stuff over, and the only way that we are going to stop them is so they face significant consequences for continuing what they are doing.”

In light of the above statements, we urge you to follow up with these positive actions in Congress:

·         Cosponsor S.1741/H.R.3771 The Special Counsel Integrity Act
·         Introduce legislation requiring the US to develop a negotiation strategy planned well in advance of any face to face meetings between the leaders of North Korea and the US to minimize the chance of impulsive knee jerk reactions that could result in armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula or missile attacks on the US or its allies.
·         Reject the proposed tariffs on imports from China and President Trump’s decision today to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on European countries, Canada and Mexico. that would initiate a trade war, alienate our allies, raise consumer prices in the US and eventually result in loss of US jobs.
·         Restore credibility and honor to the US by insisting the US rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement and adhere to previously agreed to terms of the Iran Nuclear Weapons Treaty.
  • Introduce legislation to require that the US formulate a strategy and plan for 2025 and 2050 to assure continued US economic and military leadership in the world with a focus on human rights, new technologies, environmental sustainability, public health and public safety.


We insist that you exercise Congressional oversight and halt deplorable and inhumane actions by those responsible for enforcement of US immigration laws and policy and implement the following:
·         Account for the nearly 1,500 unaccompanied minors who arrived at the border, nearly 19% of the minors in their custody.
·         Prohibit the Justice Department, HHS and Homeland Security from forcibly separating children from their families at the border when US law allows people entering the US to request asylum.
·         Investigate horrifying details of alleged abuses that children in custody at the border are being subjected to.


From Axios, May 29:
“Two of Trump's top economic advisers, including Larry Kudlow, fear that one of the proposals closest to his heart — automobile tariffs — would kill American jobs and would hurt American consumers. And his lawyers aren't sure the national security argument underpinning the idea is solid.”
These observations and concerns have been noted in previous comment sheets from Indivisible. How will you and members of Congress respond?


We urge you to reject the nomination of Wendy Vitter for District Judge for the following reasons:
·         She promoted baseless junk science about abortion and birth control.
·         She accused Planned Parenthood of killing 150,000 women a year.
·         She supported HB 2, the notorious Texas law that triggered a wave of abortion clinic shutdowns before it was declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
·         She wouldn't say if she agreed with the Brown v. Board of Education decision, which struck down racial segregation in public schools.

We urge you to reject the nomination of Kenneth L. Marcus as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Department of Education.

Our reasons are many and too long to list here.  Please refer to the following very detailed letter in opposition and its signatories on the The Leadership Conference On Civil And Human Rights website.

We urge you to oppose S.J.Res.59 - Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2018  and S.J.Res.31 - Authorization for Use of Military Force Against al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  Please explain why there are two of these seemingly identical bills.  It is most certain both would give President Trump an even wider blank check for endless global war than he already has.

Respectfully, on behalf of Northeast Florida Indivisible
David Johnson, Orange Park, FL 32073

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