MISSION STATEMENT: To build and sustain an inclusive proactive community that will protect our environment, our freedoms and our basic human and civil rights. We are committed to an indivisible St. Johns County with liberty and justice for all.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter October 4, 2020



WEEK OF OCT 4, 2020


Here's the  voting scoop!


There are many ways to volunteer safely!

As of yesterday's Indivisible St. Johns postcard advocacy meet-up at Growers' Alliance Cafe  (10/01/20) we have taken responsibility to send letters to 765 unlikely to vote Florida voters through VoteForward.org. Way to go! We will go further. 14 participants met and wrote outside on the covered patio or took lists of voters home. 

But that's just the beginning. A number of you who receive these postcard advocacy worksheets have registered with VoteForward.org and are downloading more letters to write a personal note to more Florida voters. 

Additionally, participants at the Black Lives Matter weekly protests at the United Church UCC-DOC have taken hundreds of Vote Forward names and addresses. You can get lists of Vote Forward names at those protests on Saturday mornings 9-10AM at the United Church 5880 U.S. 1 south. That's about 2 miles south of the Moultrie Creek area Publix at Wildwood Rd. 

The next Indivisible St. Johns Postcard Advocacy Meet-up will be Thursday, Oct. 8. from 2-3PM at Growers' Alliance Cafe 322 Anastasia Blvd. We will be writing more Florida voters through Vote Forward. 

Attached is the Postcard Advocacy worksheet and Instruction sheet for how to write your own Vote Forward letters to Florida voters. Time is running out to make this kind of difference.

What: Get-Out-the-Vote! DEMs with VBM
When: Sat, Sep 26 - Mon, Oct 19

Mail ballots will begin to be delivered to voters on Sept. 24th. We need to contact DEMs with vote-by-mail (VBM) to educate them on how to return their ballots to ensure they are counted. Many are voting by mail for the first time and may be confused by misinformation. We will inform them about Drop Boxes, deadlines, and how to track their ballot online, among other things. Since we can't canvass voters, we'll chat with DEMs who have cell phones via text messages, call DEMs with landlines only, and hang information on the doors of VBM DEMs with no listed phone number.

Please select an available slot below to volunteer. If you haven't yet been trained by Blue Wave Coalition, please note that in the Comments box next to your name. You will be sent a link to a Zoom training where we'll quickly get you started. If you have been trained by us, we'll send you the script and other information so you can get going on your own. THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING!

Click HERE for Blue Wave's complete list of volunteer opportunities.  You'll need
to scroll down a bit to see it.

Join the Indivisible Florida Network in a fundraiser to help candidates for State House and Senate races

Who we are supporting:  Our focus is on state races and fighting voter suppression. Studies show that educating voters about state candidates inspires those already voting for President to help elect local candidates. Similarly, voters excited by a ‘down-ballot’ candidate are more likely to vote in higher office races. Each of our candidates is thoroughly vetted, represents a strategic flip or fragile hold, and resides in Florida - a Presidential battleground state.

Please be generous to support these worthy candidates and let's transform our government in Tallahassee. One donation can be split amongst these candidates.
Patricia Sigman (FL-SD-09)
Franccesca Cesti-Browne (FL-HD-115)
Maureen Porras (FL-HD-105)
Kayser Enneking (FL-HD-21)
Javier Fernandez (FL-SD-39)
Tammyette Thomas (FL-HD-15)
Jim Bonfiglio (FL-HD-89)
Linda Thompson Gonzalez (FL-HD-93)
Barbara Byram (FL-HD-22)
Patrick Henry (FL-HD-26)
Ricky Junquera (FL-HD-118)
Tracey Kagan (FL-HD-29)

 Donate as generously as you can, but remember that no contribution is too small.


Protect Our Election--Support Our State

Election Officials

America is under attack.  We have always relied on
overworked and underpaid state and local election
officials to successfully oversee the electoral 
contests that keep our election ticking.

Add your name below to the growing list of American citizens who understand how important it is to maintain our faith in the system, to fight for democracy, to put country over party, and to refute the notion of an election "rigged" against Donald Trump.


This is getting more and more important, given the tenor of the President's rhetoric.

There is no democracy in a nation that ignores justice and the rule of law.

Hopefully, we will have a spirited election and if needed a peaceful transition of power. However, we must not wait for something to happen and then react. We must build a rapid response team and be ready to stand up for the rule of law and democracy if needed.


And, just to make sure you got the point,  CHOOSE DEMOCRACY!



If you were unable to listen to this presentation, you can view it HERE.  It was changed from the original presentation to reflect the loss of RGB and talk about what's happening now regarding the Court and what we can do about it.

Unfortunately Senator Rick Scott has already met with the Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, and has spoken out in favor of confirmation "I hope the Senate can move swiftly to hold a vote to confirm her to the Supreme Court." The danger with this rushed nomination as we heard in the presentation by Demand Justice, is that if Amy Coney Barrett is seated by November 10th, the Supreme Court will succeed in removing the health care for 23 million people and the protections for 133 million with pre-existing conditions will be abolished. This will most likely happen in early 2021. Additionally, it has been reported that that Amy Coney Barrett signed a letter in 2006 calling  Roe v. Wade as "barbaric", which means that by spring a women's right to choice will also most likely be removed.

The speaker from Demand Justice, Robert Scott, suggests that we all contact our senators and tell them:
"We don't want your nominee, we want COVID relief!"
"We don't want your nominee, we want health care."
"We don't want your nominee, we want immigration reform."
Be loud, be clear, be heard!
Sen. Marco Rubio  202-224-3041  email HERE
Sen. Rick Scott  202-224-5274   email HERE

Also sign up at the Center for Popular Democracy.


Relax America, Florida's got this.

by Scott Brown, Indivisible CD13 

Sure, we didn't cover ourselves with glory back in 2000 with Bush v Gore. And, yeah,

we did hand Trump the Presidency in 2016 by 112,000 votes. But, thanks to some good government

work by Republicans, we have a system that is decidedly dictator-proof. Read More



As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!

Nana Royer, Editor



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