
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter Week of April 5, 2020





(1) Indivisible’s matching grant for 4/6-5/31 is really important for us, especially now! Since we’re relegated to canvassing by phone/mail/postcards, we need this money for postage and envelopes. Please consider a one-time donation or set yourself up monthly. You won’t miss that $5-!0 and will be doing so much good.

(2) Blue Wave precincts for April -- 208 and 209. A HUGE thanks to everyone who got that huge precinct of 207 done safely and on time! A sign up Genius link is here for you to participate. You will just be signing letters, stuffing and addressing envelopes, postage provided. Great way to pass the time and you’ll be doing so much good.

(3) Postcard Group's efforts to sustain Growers Alliance. See the enclosed flyer. We can always use a couple extra bags of their fabulous coffee, and or buy a gift card. Martin and Purity have done great work and been supportive of us for a couple years. Time to help them out. Please copy that flyer and send to your lists.

(4) Vote Forward Project, involving sending letters to voters in Florida who haven't voted in awhile. These letters can be done ahead of time at your leisure as they won’t be mailed out until September. We will be including Vote By Mail instructions. More in upcoming newsletters.

(5) Joe McAnarney, candidate for County Commission, District 1, was our guest speaker. If you don’t know Joe yet, check out his upcoming website and Facebook page. The website will be up soon with a donate button. We’ve had his link to his petition in our last two newsletters. It’s hard to get signatures now with the virus crisis but everyone can download, print, sign and mail to the address in the newsletter. He needs almost 1900, has about 143, by early May so we need to get busy.  HE NEEDS OUR HELP AND WE NEED HIS HELP!

ABOUT JOE: Joe is a retired architect and planner with over 40 years of experience working with land development codes and zoning standards.  He has lived in Julington Creek Plantation with his wife for over 15 years and moved here for the quality of life they saw --large areas of open space and wetlands, excellent schools and ease of traveling to work, shopping and cultural events.  We have all watched the county overdevelop in recent years. Joe is ready to be our voice and say "enough!"  He will be our voice and advocate for smart, balanced growth that places a high priority on quality of life issues we value including:
·  Protection of water resources, parks and green spaces
·  Attracting high paying jobs and providing schools that are adequately sized from the start
·   Affordable housing for all county residents and protection of property values
·   Support for our first responders, health care workers and police
Further, he’s researched and seen the gaps in the county’s planning process. He envisions a town hall of stakeholders to revisit the LAMP or come up with something new and do a holistic view of what we want for our county. We all know our current commissioners have huge developer funders and his road is uphill. Yet, we finally have a forward thinking, smart and experienced candidate to put the brakes on development until we have a sensible plan. Warren’s postcard group has been calling for a building moratorium. Joe said the commissioners have voted 5-0 to delay developers’ proposals. Warren noted updates from Joe would be helpful for his group and they will exchange information.
Now is the time to finally have a DEMOCRATIC voice on our County Commission! 
There was much more so if you have questions, reach out to Joe on Facebook. Get petitions signed and mailed to him by sending to your lists. We can do this.

(6) There will be more Zoom meetings on line . Please join us for the next one we set up!

County Commissioner District 1

Please make your contributions payable to Joe McAnarney Campaign.  
Contributions in excess of $100 must indicate an employment profession.

Help us get Joe on the ballot.  Please download the attached Candidate Petition, 
sign one & have your neighbor/friend sign the other
and mail to: 

 Joe McAnarney Campaign
P. O. Box 600332
St. Johns, FL 32260

Please download PETITION HERE
This is a double petition so two people can sign and save paper.
Good news -- as many of you know,  SOE is now accepting electronic petitions so the signatures do not have to be original ink.  Now, it's easier for people to fill out the form, scan it and email it  to  

March was a difficult month for all of us. The coronavirus pandemic upended our daily lives and cut us off from family, friends, and coworkers. It also forced us to drastically change how we’re running this campaign.
Despite the challenges we faced, this team pulled off some incredible accomplishments!
  • We quickly moved to 100% virtual and digital activities. It doesn’t beat seeing you in person, but it’s lifted me up each day to stay connected with you.
  • Our team of hundreds of volunteers helped their neighbors and community organizations. People are struggling and helping them is the reason we’re in this race in the first place.
  • We collected 8,000 petitions to officially put my name on the ballot – a project that took hundreds of hours of volunteer work.
  • It’s been tough to ask for money with so many facing hardship, HOWEVER, we reached our fundraising goal raising more than we did last quarter. We’ve already raised more than any Democratic nominee in this district for a generation. We did this with your help! Thank you!
We’re all in this together. Let’s continue to flatten the curve, keep ourselves and our families healthy, and help those in need If each of us does our part, America will get through this crisis stronger than ever.
As a three-time cancer survivor, I live every day with gratitude. And today, I’m grateful for you.
Donna Deegan is a Democrat running for Congress in Florida’s 4th District that covers the First Coast in Nassau, Duval and St. Johns counties. Learn more about Donna and why she’s running.
Paid for by Donna Deegan for Congress.
Donna Deegan for Congress
1015 Atlantic Blvd., #56
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233


Needed:  Volunteers to address envelopes to voters from home 
to Precincts 208 and 209


Your 3 weekly to-do's:
  1. Call your senator and tell them to prioritize a Coronavirus People’s Bailout. We need a package that prioritizes protecting our democratic systems, providing accessible health care for all, and direct economic support to everyone. Call your senators now to demand they support the People’s Bailout.  Rubio:  202-224-3041; Scott: 202-224-5274  or via ResistBot 50409.
  2. Call your representative and tell them the same. Millions of people could be left behind while corporations rake in trillions of tax-payer dollars. The House needs to make this right. Call your representatives now and demand that they support the above provisions be included in the next coronavirus package.  Rutherford: 202-225-2501 or via ResistBot 50409.
  3. Email your representative and two senators and demand they prioritize a People’s Bailout. Use our tool to send a letter to your three members of Congress, which outlines what a People’s Bailout would include.

Our Times. . .


As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!

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