
Friday, March 27, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter Week of March 29, 2020

WEEK OF MARCH 29, 2020

GOES DIGITAL Thursday April 2 7-8PM

 We are Zooming through the pandemic.

In the interest of safety during this pandemic, we are moving our regular Indivisible St Johns monthly general meeting online! We are using the Zoom app but don’t worry, 
there are instructions at this link provided by our friends from Englewood Indivisible. 
PLEASE WATCH THE SHORT TUTORIAL. Your Florida Indivisible Network has been 
using it weekly for two years! We’re giving you two weeks’ time to read the description below, 
view the tutorial, and set up on either your computer or your mobile device. 

(You don’t have to do this on the computer! Some of us do so many webinars we often 
just use the phone option and listen in). We will be joined this month by Joe McAnarney who’s running for our county commission as a Democrat!

1    Get whichever app you need for your device now from your app store. Look for ZOOM Cloud meetings. It’s free.

2      Save the date: Thursday April 2 from 7-8PM. Joe will join us first so please be on time to meet him.

3.     If you want to ask questions, download the app to your computer as there is a chat room you can use to post your questions. We can read them to Joe for answers.

4.    You can practice logging on ahead of time. It will say the host hasn’t started the meeting yet.

5.     We will begin promptly at 7 so please log on/call in starting at 645PM. Click on the link or dial the phone number if you chose to just listen in. Here is your Invite:

Indivisible St. Johns Monthly General Meeting
Time: Apr 2, 2020 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 317 581 905

One tap mobile
+19294362866,,317581905# US (New York)
+13126266799,,317581905# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 317 581 905
Find your local number:

Positive  Stories to Life Your Spirits in the Coronavirus Pandemic

REMEMBER--We want to 

County Commissioner District 1

Please make your contributions payable to Joe McAnarney Campaign and mail to 
1005 Blackberry Lane, St Johns, FL 32259.  Contributions in excess of $100 must indicate an employment profession.

Help us get Joe on the ballot.  Please download the attached Candidate Petition, sign one & have your neighbor/friend sign the other
and mail to: 
P. O. Box 600332
St. Johns, FL 32260

Please download here:


While we’re not sure what the rest of this week will hold, we know one thing: we need to keep demanding that Congress put people over profits. That’s why we created a new ‘People Over Profits’ landing page for all of our coronavirus resources and asks, which you can find here. As more and more Indivisibles shelter-in-place and social-distance to avoid spreading the coronavirus, we recognize that organizing on the ground has suddenly shifted drastically. That’s why all of our asks are digital asks, which you can find below.
One more thing -- take time for yourself to decompress. Cook a meal. Practice some self-care. Breathe deeply. And let’s be thankful for the things in our life that we have and can control. The coming weeks might be scary as hell, but we’re in this together, as a movement.
And now, our digital to-dos:

Your weekly to-dos 

  1. Call your Representative and tell them the same. The previous coronavirus bill that passed originated in the House, and it didn't go nearly far enough in protecting folks most directly affected by this pandemic (millions of workers will be denied the protections in that bill). The new package might even walk back some of the inadequate protections from the previous package! The House needs to make this right. Call your representatives now and demand that they support the above provisions be included in the next coronavirus package.
  2. Demand your Senators ensure safe, secure elections during the coronavirus outbreak. We know that the coronavirus is scary, and we’re all making sacrifices to minimize any further spread of the virus. We have seen some states make the very difficult decision to postpone primary elections in an effort to reduce community spread of coronavirus. But we can’t let this public health crisis impede the functioning of our democratic processes. That’s why we’re recommending states start now to build alternatives to in-person voting so that nothing will put the administration of the November presidential election at risk. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Ron Wyden have introduced a bill to assist states in expanding vote-by-mail for this November’s election. Call your senators to demand that the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act be included in the next coronavirus relief package.
  3. Text PAYBACK to 977-79 and join the Payback Project right now. Even in the three weeks since we launched this project to take back the Senate, we’ve already seen twists and turns and had to drop everything to respond to new Republican schemes. We know that’s not going to stop, which is why we need even more folks texting, donating, and joining local groups as we continue to get payback now and until the election!

Here's how to safely handle your groceries, from a pro!


From Magical Mike Konopacki 

As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. Let us know if you need anything!

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