
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Positive news for RESISTERS

The EPA’s Call for Identification of Rules to be Changed Results in a Majority of Comments in Support of EPA Regulation

Posted in Clean Water Act, EPA, Water
We write to follow up on last month’s blog post, GT Alert, and webinar on the April 13 issuance of a federal register notice by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calling for submissions to identify regulations for repeal, replacement, or modification. The agency set a 30-day timeframe for response.
Despite that tight timeframe, the agency received about 35,000 written comments by the deadline, not including comments received in response to public meetings that were held. From a review of the comments, it appears that an overwhelming majority of commenters asked that the agency leave regulations in place, with only a smaller number of comments from industry and trade associations that generally requested fairly modest, technical changes.
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