
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

ACTION NEEDED on The RAA: The Worst Bill You’ve Never Heard Of

Call, Email, ResistBot Senators Nelson & Rubio (Contact info under Federal Legislators tab or ResistBot instructions on the right hand side of this page)
It’s called the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017 (RAA), and it’s an extremely dangerous bill that the Senate will soon vote on. The RAA will impact nearly every American under the guise of a “harmless” procedural change. Introduced by Senators Portman (R-OH) and Heitkamp (D-ND), the bill changes long-standing rules on how federal agencies regulate everything from food safety to toxic chemicals to equipment failure at nuclear power plants—things that keep us all safe. Republicans are quietly ramming this bill through Congress and we have to act quickly to stop them.

The RAA would impose nearly insurmountable barriers before any new public safeguard.

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