
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Inidvisible St Johns Newsletter August 16, 2020


The U.S. Postal Service Edition


WEEK OF AUG. 16, 2020


Trump admits he wishes to withhold funding from the U.S. Postal
Service in order to put the kibosh on vote-by-mail.
Don't just sign the petition--Get angry!
We need to flood our legislators' phones every day!

When you call, another point to make:   Millions of Florida retired military depend on #USPS for delivery of Express Scripts Rx.

We need the post office!  Sign the petition, and, better yet, write and/or call your senators:  Sen. Marco Rubio 202-224-3041  

Rep. John Rutherford, Dist. 4  202-225-2501

Trump opposes election aid for states and Postal Service bailout, threatening Nov. 3 vote

DROP BOX, DROP BOX, DROP BOX!!!! Take your ballot to a Drop box and circumvent his sabotage!

Drop boxes are at all Early Voting locations in St. Johns County during early voting hours and at the Elections office 24 hours! Just SIGN and date back of the envelope and get it in by 7 pm Aug 18th. For Early Voting locations, see

Our friend Warren Clark made it on First Coast News!

"St. Augustine man's mailbox has message of support for postal service workers"


Tie One On for our U. S. Postal Service Workers HERE and HERE!


Louis DeJoy, the U.S. Postmaster General who is doing Trump’s bidding and dismantling the USPS right before the election, reports to the 6-member USPS Board of Governors (pictured here).


These six men have the power to stop DeJoy.
Let ‘em hear your voice! (If you click on this link, you can get a larger view of the addresses--click on the photo that comes up.) #savetheusps #savetheusps

You can also write to the postmaster general himself at his N.C. home:


This will be  the  second appearance  with us  of Dr. Dale Anderson.  Last fall he gave a great presentation on fascism.  He is returning on 
AUGUST 26, 7 - 9 PM
His presentation will cover (1) The Stakes of our 2020 Election, (2) GOP's Voter Suppression Strategy,  (3)  House Resolution (H.R.) 1's powerful support for Democracy, and (4) Creating a Democratic "Landslide"

See his bio HERE.

Lend a hand to our West Augustine neighbors!

Sign up link HERE



"IMMIGRATION NATION" -- an original docuseries by Netflix

An ICE agent (right) exercises a warrant in Netflix's 'Immigration Nation.'

This  series came out just this month on Netflix.  It is definitely a must-see.  It is amazing what the Netflix crew was able to capture on tape.  The Trump administration tried to block its release until after the election.  It gives a picture of what it's like inside ICE, the attitudes of the ICE officials, and the experiences and heartbreaks of the immigrants.  It will induce anger, as well as tears.   It's a series of 6 episodes, one hour each and well worth every minute. (Editor's opinion)



Brenda Stratton
Soil & Water Conservation, Dist. 4

   "I firmly believe that education is the key to a future that works well for all of us.  One of the most basic and actually fairly simple things to do for a quality life for everyone is to increase awareness and the information available about the environment including soil and water conservation."

Roxanne Horvath 
 City of St. Augustine Seat 1


These roads would increase Florida panther deaths, hastening their extinction.

The Alachua County Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday voted unanimously to reject plans to build new toll roads across the state.  We need to keep applying pressure to keep these roads from being built.

With the need for severe budget cuts,  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the state needs to spend its precious tax dollars on critical state needs (education, public health, the unemployed, housing -- the list goes on and on) and should immediately stop wasting money on M-CORES.

See one article here.

What can we  do?  We can lobby the task force members (and here) directly.  We can write letters to the editor.  WE CAN LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!



As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!


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