
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter April 19, 2020

WEEK OF APRIL 19, 2020


We know what it's like when there's just too much "to do" so we're keeping it short and sweet this week, so we can each indeed do something--and  from the safety of your home!


What are just 4 of the most important things we can do?

(1)   LOCAL --  Get Joe McAnarney on the ballot for St Johns County Commissioner, District 1.  If you haven't yet sent in the PETITION, please do so now!

County Commissioner District 1

Please made your contributions payable to Joe McAnarney Campaign.
Contributions in excess of $100 must indicate an employment profession.

Help us get Joe on the ballot.
Please download the attached Candidate Petition, 
sign one and have your neighbor/friend sign the other
and mail to:

Joe McAnarney Campaign
P. O. Box 600332
St. Johns, FL 32260

Please download PETITION here
This is a double petition so two people can sign and save paper.

Good news!  As many of you know, the Supervisor of Elections
is now accepting electronic petitions so the signatures do not
have to be original ink.  Now it's easier for people to fill out
the form, scan it and email it to


(2)  STATE:  Urge Gov. DeSantis to protect the health of Florida's farmworkers

Unless mitigation measures are taken, Immokalee will become an epicenter of contagion with grave consequences not only for the agricultural community of Immokalee but also for the agricultural industry of Florida and the food supply chain of the entire United States.

Email Gov. DeSantis’ office today and urge him to protect the health of Florida farmworkers:

More info here


(3)  A big shout out of thanks to Warren Clark! His Edgy Postcard group is still alive and well--it has just moved to your home base.  Contact Warren for topics and to join this persistent resistance group:


(4)  VOTE FORWARD CAMPAIGN--Click here to see how your letters to occasional voters can help to turn an election.  Templates provided.

As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!

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