
Sunday, September 2, 2018

If you haven't seen the trailer for Active Measures, link below. How do you feel about bringing a screening here? Oh, and #StopKavanaugh

In case you haven't noticed, our estimable Senator Nelson is still LEANING OPPOSED to Kavanaugh, which is not saying anything. He needs to hear from you. We've gotten several boilerplate responses from Rubio who is in the tank with confirmation. In fact, here's a little taste of his response (somehow wedged in between his constant panicked emails for money even though he's not running but...Hillary....Socialism...

 Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a qualified, mainstream jurist who possesses the right temperament and experience for the position, and I am pleased to see his nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. 
My decision on whether to ultimately support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination will be based on his commitment to original intent, judicial restraint, and the understanding that the Supreme Court is a ‘trier of law’ appellate court and not a ‘trier of fact’ trial court. This is critical because too many in the federal judicial system believe it is appropriate for judges to craft new policies and rights instead of interpreting and defending the Constitution. 
I am hopeful for a fair and thorough confirmation process as the Senate carefully examines and deliberates Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Here's the trailer link to Active Measures. The film is available through the Apple store for rent for $3.99. We watched it last night and it's a worldview we rarely get given the day to day Russian investigation. Credible and comprehensive:

We can attempt to bring this full 2 hour movie here for a local screening if you think this is a good idea. Comment here or send us an email if you think this is a good idea!

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