
Monday, July 30, 2018

Indivisible East Bay focused on the Judiciary for appointments and immigrantion.. July 31 things you can do in minutes.

Call To Action–Family Separation at the Border

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 31, at 10am ET. Finally, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding an oversight hearing on immigration enforcement. It’s calling immigration officials to account for their cruel and irresponsible family separation policy. Our rallies, calls, and emails have already accomplished a lot. Here’s something more we can do.
If your Senator is NOT on the Judiciary Committee, you can call or email him/her to attend the hearing and to ask Committee members to thoroughly examine the immigration officials.
Suggested Script (Senator NOT on Judiciary Committee): Hi, my name is [name] and I’m a constituent from [zip code]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to attend the Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration on Tuesday, July 31 at 10am. Please urge Committee members to find out how this cruel family separation happened and how these families will be reunited. I have been so worried and appalled by our government’s treatment of these young children and their parents. The children might be damaged for life. Please make these immigration agencies take responsibility and fix the situation.
If your Senator IS ON the Judiciary Committee, lucky you, you can ask him/her to grill the immigration officials on what they have done and how they plan to fix it. Your group can also submit questions to your Senator that he/she can ask the immigration officials.  A list of Senators on the Judiciary Committee is here.
Suggested Script (Senator IS ON Judiciary Committee): Hi, my name is [name] and I’m a constituent from [zip code]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to thoroughly examine the immigration officials at the Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, July 31. Please find out how this cruel family separation happened and how these families will be reunited. I have been so worried and appalled by our government’s treatment of these young children and their parents. The children might be damaged for life. Please make these immigration agencies take responsibility and fix the situation.
The hearing will be simulcast online and you can also watch the video later online. Here.

Calls To Action–Judicial Nominations

  1. Call your Senators to vote against Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has a record against women’s reproductive rights, environmental protection, consumer protection, workers’ rights and common sense gun safety. Most troubling of all, he has said that a sitting President should be exempt from criminal prosecution and investigation, including questioning by prosecutors and defense counsel. No wonder Trump likes him! Ask your Senators to vote against this nominee who would gut Roe v. Wade and give someone like Trump even greater executive power.
  2. Call your Senators to vote against Eric Murphy for a lifetime judgeship to the federal appeals court, one step below the U.S. Supreme Court. Murphy has a record against voting rights, women’s reproductive rights, and marriage equality. His own Senator, Sherrod Brown (D-OH), has already said he will vote against Murphy.
  3. Call your Senators to vote against Ryan Nelson for a lifetime judgeship to the federal appeals court, the liberal-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has been a bulwark against Trump’s policies. Nelson has a questionable record of supporting expansive presidential powers, a troublesome position to take under the current President. Nelson also sided with the fossil fuel industry against environmental groups when he was an attorney with the Bush-Cheney administration.
To find out the names of your U.S. Senators and their phone numbers, you can call the Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121.

Lobbying Your Senators Made Easy

Herd on the Hill has developed a super-easy online tool to tell your Senators to vote against Trump’s unfit court nominees. It’s all there: Call To Action scripts, background info, and a messaging tool that looks up your Senators for you. You only have to write the message. Herd on the Hill uses our scripts and keeps them up-to-date. Tell your Senators to vote against Trump’s unacceptable nominees here.

And more…

Ranking member Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) asks Chairman Grassley of Judiciary Committee to join in a bipartisan document request for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The documents would focus on Kavanaugh’s time working as counsel in the Bush-Cheney administration from 2001-2006. This was an era of many controversial policies, including torture of civilians.


    • Nominations hearing in Senate Judiciary Committee.  Check the schedule and watch the video of the most recent hearing here. Nominees are questioned by the Senators on their records and qualifications. Please read The Bum’s Rush For Our Courts to learn what a travesty these hearings have become under Republican leadership.
    • Vote by Senate Judiciary Committee (Executive Business Meeting). Check the schedule and watch the video of the most recent meeting here. Nominees are voted out of Committee and go to the Senate floor for a final vote by full Senate.
    • We follow the Senate Floor Monitor on Twitter for a blow-by-blow account of what’s happening on the Senate floor.
  • UPDATED: 7/26/18

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