
Thursday, April 12, 2018

If you've ever wondered what the MoC visits are about, check this out:

David Johnson and members of Indivisibles in NEFL Indivisible Coalition visit regularly with Senator Rubio's aide (see calendar we send for dates, times, locations). They are a group of 6-8 who have done this for over a year. Anyone is welcome to meet them there and bring their own issues to Ashley, the aide since Rubio is never there naturally.

Their issues are varied and well researched. It's an experience we recommend to get familiar with the protocol and push issues that are important to our values. Here's the last letter left with Rubio's aide as of course, he was MIA over the 2 week recess. Enjoy:

Sen. Rubio                                                                                                      April 10, 2018
Earlier this month, tens of thousands of Palestinians protested Israel’s blockade of Gaza.  Israel responded to this nonviolent protest through a brutal show of force, opening fire on protesters and deploying tear gas by drones, killing at least 23 Palestinians and injuring approximately 2,000.  Gaza can now be portrayed as a prison, with Israel as the jailer. Disturbing videos on social media show Israeli forces apparently shooting unarmed Palestinians, including people shot in the back while moving away from the wall between Gaza and Israel praying.
We urge you and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to initiate a Middle East peace process that includes the following elements.
·         Hold Israel accountable for the inhumane actions detailed above.
·         Insist that someone with proven foreign policy experience and free from business and personal conflicts of interest be named to replace Jared Kushner as chief negotiator charged with brokering a peaceful settlement that assures the safety of Israelis and Palestinians alike.
·         Cancel plans to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem which only serves to inflame tensions and impede the peace process.
·         Reject the nominations of Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State and Gina Haspel as Director of the CIA.  Both support Trump’s Islamaphobia and waterboarding which further inflames tensions and degrades relationships with Middle East Muslims.
We urge you to curtail and defund deployment of National Guard troops to the southern border for the following reasons.
·         dozens of local communities have expressed their objections.
·         unauthorized border crossings at the southern border are at a 46-year low
·         there is no money in the current debt ridden Federal budget and tight State budgets
Trump started a trade war and now China has proposed tariffs on $50 billion worth of American soybeans, cars, chemicals, and other goods in retaliation.  Congress must overturn these impulsive actions to reverse de facto taxes and protect jobs and farm incomes.
The US Senate and Foreign Relations Committee must immediately address the following threats to national security created by the Trump Administration which has no coherent strategy for Syria. On April 3, Trump said he wants to pull US troops out of Syria “very soon.” Also on April 3, Army General Joseph Votel said that troops will remain in Syria. The next day, the White House issued a statement saying that troops will remain in Syria. Trump now owns the ‘red line’ against chemical weapons and barrel bombs he criticizes Obama for creating. The Syrian/Russian coalition crossed this line for the second time this past weekend.  The launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles the first time obviously made no lasting impact.  As the US is pulled further into the quagmire of conflict in Syria the Administration still has no idea what it’s doing there.  It is up to Congress to set foreign policy and address the chaos in the White House and State Department.
We will probably never agree when human life begins along with right to life protections you mentioned in your email response to my expression of support for the moral right of women to maintain reproductive control over their bodies.  However, I think we all agree that we can and should explore ways to reduce the number of abortions performed on American women. Here are a few thoughts that come to mind to address some of the reasons women cite for terminating their pregnancies.
·         Fully fund Planned Parenthood to provide sex education and women’s health services to women so they can prepare themselves for healthy pregnancies and wanted children.
·         Implement education reforms to break the school to prison pipeline and prepare males for becoming responsible parents.
·         Support restorative justice programs and end mass incarceration for non-violent crimes so that young adults aren’t saddled with criminal records keeping them from obtaining jobs.
·         End gender and minority pay gaps so young parents can earn enough to support families.Reject proposed reductions in SNAP funding so parents can afford to adequately feed their families.
In addition we encourage you be consistent and take other equally strong positions for protecting human life such as enacting gun safety measures and ending the death penalty.
There is mounting evidence that the President, his family and associates have been involved in money laundering, bank fraud, illegal campaign contributions and conflicts of interest.  As such we renew our request from early last year that Congress demand the President release his tax returns as promised in the campaign.
The CBO economic report released yesterday projects the national debt, which has already topped $21 trillion, is expected to increase by another $1 trillion in 2020 and soar to more than $33 trillion in 2028. By then, debt held by the public will almost match the size of the nation’s economy, reaching 96 percent of gross domestic product, a higher level than any point since just after World War II and well past the level that economists say could court a crisis.
The budget office expects the economy to grow at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent over the next 10 years versus overly optimistic projections by some members of Congress that the Tax Cut Act will push economic growth above 3 percent a year.  These projections do not take into account the “short term pain” the President expects as a result of his impulsive imposition of tariffs and ensuing trade war.
As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee we urge you to address abuse, waste and mismanagement in the Executive branch and insist that any proposed cuts in social program budgets be more than matched by corresponding cuts in defense spending in addition to rescinding some of the recently enacted tax cuts.
We are now in the fifteenth month of the Trump Administration and 115th Congress and none of the following campaign promises have been fulfilled.
·         The ACA was effectively repealed but not replaced
·         No job creating infrastructure plan has been introduced and no funding is available
·         The havoc wrought by reliance on Continuing Resolutions has not been resolved
·         The national deficit and debt have skyrocketed despite promises to balance the budget
·         Immigration reform and DACA have been abandoned as national priorities
·         Ethical conduct and faith in government appointees has not been restored
Is this a record you and members of your party will be proud of in the upcoming midterm and presidential elections?
Respectfully, on behalf of Indivisible Northeast Florida
David Johnson,, Orange Park, FL, 32073, 904-514-4304

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