
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wherever you stand on DACA, you need to make yourself heard!

On Monday, Indivisible took a strong stand against the Democrats who voted to end the shutdown and accept McConnell's weakly worded pledge to bring up immigration prior to the next shutdown deadline. We all have different points of view on Schumer's strategy. Some are not inclined to believe McConnell despite his public statement. Remember Merrick Garland. He never got a vote. McConnell plays dirty.

That being said, below is Indivisible's statement. BOTH OUR SENATORS IN FLORIDA voted to end the shutdown. Whichever side of the issue you're on, it's important to make your voice heard to Rubio and Nelson in order to keep the issue front and center for the next couple weeks. Take the time. Encourage, nudge, express disappointment, question, whatever you need to do to understand why they voted this way. One thing we CANNOT do is be silent. Please take the time:

In September, Trump and the GOP launched an attack on some of the most vulnerable Americans: Dreamers, kids who rely on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and victims of natural disasters.
Democrats voted four times since then in favor of short-term spending bills despite Republicans’ unwillingness to address these issues. Last Friday, Democrats held strong by withholding their support for another short-term funding bill until Republicans came to fix the messes they created.
After two days of government shutdown, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and Trump offered an ultimatum to Senate Democrats: vote against the Dreamers or we keep the government shut down. Indivisible joined 17 other national progressive and immigrant rights organizations to tell Senate Democrats: we’ve got your backs, so hold the line!
But yesterday, Senator Schumer led the Senate Democrats to surrender. The House is expected to vote, and pass, their version of the bill. For his caucus’ vote, Schumer got absolutely zero protections for Dreamers. Instead, McConnell made a pinky-swear promise to Democrats that if they just voted for what he wanted, then he’d try to take up the Dream Act in the next few weeks -- while more Dreamers wait for deportation.
Yesterday’s vote is a huge disappointment, but this fight isn’t over. We’re not sure whether McConnell or Trump will hold up their end of the bargain (we’re not holding our breath). We need to raise our voices at Congressional offices this week to push for real action sooner rather than later.
The first step is to find out how your Senators voted. Visit to find out if your members of Congress (MoCs) are Dream Heroes or Dream Killers.
BOTH OUR SENATORS VOTED AGAINST THE DREAMERS. Give them a call, Resistbot or email to tell them how you feel. We need to THANK the Democrats who kept their word. We need to let the Republicans and Democrats who voted for more deportations to know that we will hold them accountable. 

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