
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

TODAY WE BREAK THE INTERNET! You have a job to do as well.

Indivisible St Johns is joining in the Twitter storm today along with websites, blogs and Facebook accounts to make it known we stand for net neutrality. Today is also a great time to email the members of the FCC who will be voting on this issue on Thursday 12/14. Demand they vote against deregulation and keep the current standards in place. The internet was conceived and built with our taxpayer dollars. It should be treated as a common carrier as it belongs to all of us. Do you really love your service provider? As much as you love Comcast or Verizon? Ok, you know what you need to say. Here are the people who will vote:

ALSO, you can contact your MoCs and tell them how much you hate this idea! Congress theoretically has the power to reverse this by legislation.See our resources on the right side of the blog page for their contact information.

Let's get this done. We have a tax scam to fight tomorrow.

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