
Saturday, August 12, 2017

"Manchin Is Said to Emerge as Possible Pick for Energy Department" allowing a newly converted Republican Governor to Replace Him

"Some White House and Republican officials are exploring the idea of putting West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin in charge of the Energy Department, according to four people familiar with the discussions, a move that could boost President Donald Trump’s stalled legislative agenda."
"If Manchin were offered and accepted the position, that would allow West Virginia’s Governor Jim Justice -- a newly minted Republican -- to appoint a GOP successor and bring the party a vote closer in the Senate to being able to repeal Obamacare. The idea is in the early stages of consideration, and it’s unclear whether it has support within the administration, according to the people, who described the conversations under condition of anonymity."

Remind Senator Rubio that it's time to vote people, not politics.  (202)224-3041

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