
Friday, July 21, 2017

Organize Now, Before Trump Destroys Justice

"Among the many disturbing elements of Donald Trump’s presidency, two are especially stark today.
First is Trump’s remarkable disrespect for constitutional values and the rule of law ― his attacks on the news media, the judiciary, and others in his way, his firing of FBI director James Comey, and most recently the New York Times interview in which Trump questioned the integrity or judgment not only of Comey, but also of much of the current leadership at the Justice Department: his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, and special counsel Robert Mueller, who is directing the Russia investigation.
The second is the growing possibility that Trump, his family, and his associates could be in legal jeopardy from Mueller’s investigation, because of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s government, on top of the already clear timeline suggesting that Trump may have obstructed justice by, among other things, pressuring and then firing Comey.
Put the two elements together, and the concern is powerful: That Trump may respond to the intensifying Russiagate investigation by firing Mueller or others at the Justice Department, and also by preemptively pardoning members of his family like Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr., as well as associates like Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, even before any criminal indictments are issued."
Read David Halperin's full article

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