
Friday, July 7, 2017

One Thousand Participate in Sit Ins to Save Health Care for Millions of Americans

Dozens Arrested at 36 Sit-ins in 21 States Demanding Senate Republicans Vote No on Health Care Bill
Photos and Live Streams:
WASHINGTON --Today, members of Our Revolution, #AllOfUs, Democracy Spring, Democratic Socialists of America, The People's Consortium, Progressive Democrats of America,, Ultraviolet, and Working Families Party joined forces to hold 36 sit-ins at offices of Republican Senators in 21 states demanding that they vote ‘no’ on the Republican health care plan, the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). Today’s actions along with pressure nationwide lead Sen. Mitch McConnell to admit that support for the bill is dwindling.."
"Thursday’s actions were part of a larger movement to create a single-payer, Medicare for all system that covers everyone. Hundreds of people sat in offices with signs and banners, sharing personal stories about how they will be personally affected if they or their family members lose access to health care."

Say 'NO' to the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA).  Look to your right for the phone numbers of Senators Rubio & Nelson.  Mitch is buying Democratic votes too. Ask how many Floridians will have to leave their nursing homes if Medicaid does not pay. Will this be you in 10 or 20 years?  You've exhausted your life savings and now there's no government help. Where will you go?  Get on the phone. Leave a message if no one answers.

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