
Saturday, July 29, 2017

How to Comment to the EPA on the Proposed Stays for the Oil and Gas Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a two-year delay on the methane pollution standards.  Let your voice be heard .....
Controlling Air Pollution from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
To ensure that EPA considers and responds to your comments on the Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards three-month stay and two-year stay, you must submit your comments to the dockets for these rulemakings.
EPA will accept comment on the proposals until August 9, 2017. Comments should be identified by the following Docket ID:
  • Three-month stay: EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0346
  • Two-year stay: EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505
 Comments may be submitted by one of the following methods:

Friday, July 28, 2017

More Radioactive Waste Coming to Florida?

"A House vote could come soon on legislation known as the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017. Dozens of environmental groups oppose the legislation and call the plan "mobile Chernobyl." They warn it would send spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors through 100 major cities in 44 states and 370 congressional districts."
Read more

Call, Email, Visit offices, ResistBot your Representative - All contact info below.

U.S. Representative John Rutherford


Local Office:                                                         Washington, DC Office:
4130 Salisbury Road                                             230 Cannon House Office Building
Suite 2500                                                             Washington, DC 20515
Jacksonville, FL 32216                                         Ph: 202-225-2501
Ph: 904-831-5205

U.S. Representative Ron DeSantis


Local Office:                                                        Washington, DC Office:
31 Lupi Court, Suite 130                                      1524 Longworth House Office Building
Palm Coast, FL 32164                                          Washington DC 20515
Ph: 386-302-0471 // Fx: 386-302-0474                Ph: 202- 225-2706 // Fx: 202-226-6299

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trump and Republicans Treat Their Voters Like Morons

"As Republicans struggle to figure out which spectacularly unpopular, viciously cruel and perfunctorily considered version of their health-care bill they want to become law, one former member of the House leadership has come out with an extraordinary admission about what a scam the whole project is. In an interview with Elaina Plott of Washingtonian magazine, former House majority leader Eric Cantor, who was defeated in a primary in 2014 by a tea party extremist, explains that Republicans knew they were lying to their base about their ability to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but they just couldn’t help themselves"

Read more.....

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Feds Crack Trump Protesters’ Phones to Charge Them With Felony Rioting

Officials have cracked the locked phones seized from protesters at the inauguration—and may be planning to use browsing data and texts against them.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dear Boy Scouts of America,

Dear Boy Scouts of America,
Yesterday, you made me grateful that my father is dead.
The son of immigrants, he was raised in a small village by a single father after losing his mother and younger brothers to the Spanish flu. He joined the Lone Scout program in the 1930s and therein began a life-long love of Scouting.
As fate would have it, he returned from the bloody beaches of World War II France minus his right arm. Nevertheless, he persisted.
He graduated from The Wharton School and The Ohio State University School of Law, set up a small law practice, and served in the State Legislature and as County Commissioner and County Court Judge.
In his spare time, he indulged his passion for the Boy Scouts of America – camping, canoe trips, and 50 miles on the Appalachian Trail. Our house was ever adorned with backpacks, footlockers, boots, tents, and miles of olive drab uniforms. We ate endless dishes of ham and scalloped potatoes at many a Court of Honor.
And there it is. Honor.
I will not elaborate on the various words used to describe Donald Trump. But, rest assured, HONORABLE is not one of them. In my wildest nightmares, I cannot imagine the pain and anguish his dishonorable and disrespectful behavior at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree would have caused my father.
To subject children to such rantings and pleas for blind loyalty is far beyond intolerable.
If you have any love for God and Country, please respond to this dishonor brought upon the Boy Scouts of America.
As for me, I will honor my Father.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant." Robert Louis Stevenson

Letter posted by permission - Indivisible Flagler Member


Monday, July 24, 2017

Urge your senator to vote NO on the “Motion to Proceed” on TrumpCare


Caller: Hello! My name is [name] and I’m calling from [part of state]. Can you tell me how Senator [  ] plans to vote on the motion to proceed on the health care bill?
Staffer: The Senator hasn’t made a decision on that yet.
Caller: That’s terrible. Senator [  ] should absolutely oppose any attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This is a reckless move that Mitch McConnell is making out of desperation with no plan whatsoever as to how the ACA would be replaced. The Congressional Budget Office says 32 million people will lose their insurance and that premiums will double. How could Senator support that?
Staffer: But those numbers aren’t accurate because this is just repealing now with a replacement to come later. We won’t let people go without health insurance.
Caller: That’s ridiculous. If Congress can’t find a compromise today, why should we believe it will find one in a year or two? This is playing games with people's lives.
Staffer: Again, Senator hasn’t made a decision yet.
Caller: Well I want Senator [  ] to make a decision, and oppose any effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, especially if there is no plan in place to replace it. I want the Senator to vote against the motion to proceed and against the bill itself.
Staffer: Thank you. I’ll let the Senator know your thoughts.
Caller: Thank you. Please take down my contact information so you can let me know how Senator [  ] votes.
Senator Rubio's telephone number is on the right-hand side of this page.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Webster School's Back To School Party

The Webster School is hosting a back to school event with many different service providers and vendors. This event is designed to promote community engagement. We are in need of volunteers to assist with various duties. We are opening this event to the public so we are expecting a large group of people. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Date: 08/02/2017 (Wed.)
Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm EDT
Location: The Webster School 420 North Orange Street, St. Augustine

Trump Threatens the Rule of Law

“In his stunning interview with three New York Times reporters, President Trump jumbled history, showed the attention span and self-absorption of a toddler, and made demonstrably false statements. None of that was surprising.
Perhaps most disturbingly, however, the interview revealed a distorted view of the relationship between the Department of Justice and the presidency. In doing so, the president foreshadowed the possibility of disturbing events that may be on the horizon. He undermined his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, by saying that he never would have selected him if he knew he would recuse himself from the Russia investigation. He disparaged his Deputy Attorney General as a guy from Baltimore, where, he said, there are very few Republicans. He returned to his firing of former FBI Director Jim Comey, accusing him of trying to exercise leverage over Trump by showing him the secret dossier purporting to reveal the basis for Russian influence over him. He appeared to issue a warning to Independent Counsel Robert Mueller that extending the Russia investigation to look into Trump’s business affairs would exceed his mandate and cross a red line.
As always, the central question in trying to make sense of Trump is whether there is any strategic thinking behind his words or he simply resembles an out of control Magic 8 ball, unthinkingly spouting whatever collection of words floats to the surface. Either way, the interview can be read as laying the groundwork for the departure – through firing or resignation – of Sessions and the firing of Mueller. Each would have profound consequences.”  

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Congress Reaches Russia Sanctions Deal - THEY'LL VOTE THIS WEEK


"The House and Senate reached a deal Saturday to slap Russia with fresh sanctions and give Congress new veto power to block any easing of those sanctions -- an agreement that could send a new bill to President Donald Trump's desk before the end of the month.
House and Senate negotiators announced an agreement was reached Saturday morning for a bill that would include new sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
Despite the White House lobbying for changes to the measure, the legislation will give Congress a new ability to block the administration from easing sanctions on Moscow. Democrats and some Republicans have expressed concerns that Trump is considering giving Russia back two compounds in Maryland and New York that were seized by the Obama administration in December."
Read the positive article (they are few & far between)

July Book of the Month - "ON TYRANNY" by Thomas Snyder


This small book will capture you with its first lesson: Do not obey in advance. Professor Snyder has deep historical knowledge of the fall of democracies and uses this knowledge to give relevant warnings and actions to take in light of the crisis in democracy we are in today. From voter suppression, attacks on the press, education, militarism and nationalism and the current widespread economic inequality in our country, his examples and lessons learned lead us to proper vigilance and response in these chaotic times. It’s a quick first read but guaranteed to bring you back over and over for clarification and new ideas.

In lieu of purchasing from Amazon, try the St. Johns County Public Library or it’s available from Barnes and Noble at this link:

“Snyder knows this subject cold. . . . It is impossible to read aphorisms like ‘post-truth is pre-fascism’ and not feel a small chill about the current state of the Republic. . . . Approach this short book the same you would a medical pamphlet warning about an infectious disease. Read it carefully and be on the lookout for symptoms.” Daniel W. Drezner, The New York Times Book Review
   About the Author
Timothy Snyder is the Levin Professor of History at Yale University. He is the author of Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin and Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning. Snyder is a member of the Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and a permanent fellow of the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.

Organize Now, Before Trump Destroys Justice

"Among the many disturbing elements of Donald Trump’s presidency, two are especially stark today.
First is Trump’s remarkable disrespect for constitutional values and the rule of law ― his attacks on the news media, the judiciary, and others in his way, his firing of FBI director James Comey, and most recently the New York Times interview in which Trump questioned the integrity or judgment not only of Comey, but also of much of the current leadership at the Justice Department: his Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, and special counsel Robert Mueller, who is directing the Russia investigation.
The second is the growing possibility that Trump, his family, and his associates could be in legal jeopardy from Mueller’s investigation, because of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia’s government, on top of the already clear timeline suggesting that Trump may have obstructed justice by, among other things, pressuring and then firing Comey.
Put the two elements together, and the concern is powerful: That Trump may respond to the intensifying Russiagate investigation by firing Mueller or others at the Justice Department, and also by preemptively pardoning members of his family like Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr., as well as associates like Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, even before any criminal indictments are issued."
Read David Halperin's full article

During Trump's 'Made in America' Week, Mar-a-Lago Club Seeks More Foreign Workers

"Though the White House launched its "Made in America" initiative earlier this week to promote American jobs and products, President Donald Trump's businesses have again taken steps to hire foreign workers.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club and his golf course in Jupiter, Florida, have filed documents to bring in additional foreign workers under the H-2B visa program, which allows foreigners to fill temporary non-agriculture jobs in the United States that supposedly cannot be filled by US workers.
The requests were filed with the Labor Department -- which certifies companies to apply for the visas that are then issued by the Department of Homeland Security -- earlier in July but posted on a public job registry Thursday. They show the Mar-a-Lago Club is seeking to hire 15 housekeepers, 20 cooks and 35 servers.
The Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, has also submitted documents to hire six cooks through the visa program.
The jobs, which would begin in October and end in May 2018, would pay a minimum of $10.33, $11.88 and $13.34 per hour but would be eligible for higher wages with overtime."
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