
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Trump & Republicans' War on Women's Health Continues...

    White House drafts rule to roll back 'contraception mandate' for health coverage
“The Trump administration has drafted a federal rule that would allow many religious employers to stop providing contraception coverage in company healthcare plans, the result of a “religious freedom” executive order signed by Donald Trump earlier this month.
The text of the rule, which is in the “interim final” stage, is not yet publicly available. But it could take effect as soon as the administration chooses to publish the rule in the federal register.”
    ALERT:  Chris Hayes (MSNBC) on Friday evening said this was just signed by the president and will not only cover religious but also moral ‘freedom’ to stop providing coverage. Watch for it to be published next week in the federal register. 
    Report: Access to Birth Control in Jeopardy If Leaked Regulation Is Approved
“In an alleged new regulation currently under review by the Office of Management and Budget, obtained by Vox, the Department of Health and Human Services would allow any employer or insurance company to stop covering birth control because of a "moral conviction" or religious reason. The draft is dated May 23 and the OMB will have the final say, according to Vox. If approved, the measure would take effect immediately.”

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