
Friday, June 30, 2017

Atlantic Seismic Test Plan Draws Fire from U.S. Rep. Rutherford

"U.S. Rep. John Rutherford is pushing back against steps by the U.S. Interior Department toward permitting seismic testing for oil in offshore areas including Florida’s Atlantic coast."
“Opening the Atlantic to seismic testing and drilling jeopardizes our coastal businesses, fishing communities, tourism and our national security,” said Rutherford, R-Fla., in a letter he and 102 other members of Congress signed asking Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke not to approve new offshore surveys in the Atlantic.

Deartment of Interior -  Secretary Ryan Zinke
Email us at
(202) 208-3100 

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
 Acting Chief, BOEM Public Affairs
Connie Gillette

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