
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The House Just Passed a Bill That Affects Overtime Pay

Do you get paid for overtime work? The House of Representatives just passed a bill you may want to know about.

The measure, backed by Republicans, would let employers give workers paid time off instead of time-and-a-half pay the next time they put in extra hours. The vote tally was largely along party lines, with no Democrats voting in favor of the bill. Six House Republicans also voted against it.
Republicans, who hold 52 seats in the upper chamber, will need eight Democrats to vote in favor of the legislation to avoid a filibuster.  Call, email, write your Senators today.

Senator Bill Nelson


Local Office:                                                      Washington, DC Office:
1301 Riverplace Blvd.,Suite 2010                      716 Senate Hart Office Building
Jacksonville, FL 32207                                       Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 904-346-4500 // Fx: 904-346-4506               Ph: 202-224-5274 // Fx: 202-228-2183

Senator Marco Rubio


Local Office:                                                      Washington, DC Office:
1650 Prudential Drive, Suite 220                       284 Russell Senate Office Building
Jacksonville, FL 32207                                      Washington DC, 20510
Ph: 904-398-8586                                               Ph: 202-224-3041

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