
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

INDIVISIBLE ST JOHNS Spends an Hour With Congressman Rutherford

                    Pictured left to right: Andrea Wood DeGeorge, Daphne Grabowski,
Dr. Jennifer Cowart and Dr. Leo Alonso (plus two of Indivisible St.Johns' tiniest members!)

 Many thanks to Congressman John Rutherford for meeting with us today. Our 15 minute appointment ended up being an hour long meeting! The Congressman is with us regarding offshore drilling- he says he is opposed to additional drilling off all of Florida's coasts!  In regards to his vote in favor of the AHCA, the Congressman stands behind his vote but he engaged with us in lengthy conversation on this topic and he asked Dr. Alonso and Dr. Cowart thoughtful questions and asked them for follow up information. We sincerely thank Congressman Rutherford for being so accessible to our group and for taking the time to engage with his constituents!

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