
Saturday, April 15, 2017


Hundreds protest at Tax Day rally in the Plaza

ST. AUGUSTINE – April 15, 2017 – More than 200 protestors turned out today for Indivisible St. Johns’ “Show Us Your Taxes” rally. Chanting, “What are you hiding. Show us your taxes,” at the Plaza de la Constitucion, the crowd demanded the release of President Donald Trump's tax returns.
President Trump claims ordinary people don't care at all,” speaker Mary Lou Hofmann said. “But a January Washington Post-ABC News poll found three quarters – 74 percent – of Americans say Trump should release his tax returns. That includes a majority – 53 percent – of Republicans.”
Hofmann listed five reasons Trump should release his tax returns:
  • Does Trump contribute any taxes to the nation he leads?
  • What are Trump's foreign entanglements?
  • How much would Trump personally benefit from his proposed tax overhaul?
  • Releasing tax returns is an expected part of the process.
  • An audit is no excuse.
Speaker Daphne Grabowski read a letter she wrote to Trump, criticizing his statements that he worked the system, so that he did not have to pay taxes.
I know my country needs it more, so I suck it up and pay,” she said.
Earlier this week, several Indivisible St. Johns members met with U.S. Rep. John Rutherford and asked him if he felt Trump should release his taxes.
His response: “I don't think it matters.”
Many of the peaceful protestors at the rally came armed with signs reading, “What's that chicken hiding,” “FBI, please hurry,” “Tax or impeachment, take your pick.”
This Tax Day rally coincided with a national movement of marches and rallies, and featured live music by the Peaceniks.
Indivisible St. Johns is a nonpartisan community group dedicated to raising awareness of the political issues facing our nation. Our principles: Donald Trump's agenda will take America backward and must be stopped. In order to work together to achieve this goal, we must model the values of inclusion, respect and fairness.



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