
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

ACTION REQUIRED --Pregnancy counseling...or intimidation?

The fight for women’s reproductive health is at a crucial point in the Florida Legislature. The full House is expected to vote Wednesday on a bill that would make permanent a state program that refers women to so-called crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), often run by organizations opposed to abortion – not medical professionals.
We need your help to stop this dangerous proposal right now.
This politically motivated bill ignores science and specifically excludes family planning providers who provide essential services like birth control, testing for sexually transmitted diseases and referrals to safe and legal abortion services.
We must tell these legislators laws should not be introduced with the intention of shaming, coercing or judging a woman but rather they must be based on best health care policies and medical standards. Thanks for helping turn the tide against this bad bill.
Please call 844-899-9394, get connected to your state representative before the upcoming vote and urge them to oppose HB 969.
Strength and solidarity,
Laura Goodhue
Executive Director
Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates 


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