
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter July 26, 2020


WEEK OF JULY 26, 2020 


When you learn about your government, it's easier to hold it accountable & empower others!
Join Rep. Anna Eskamani on July 28, 5:30 pm
for a virtual workshop where we unpack the state legislature & discuss how you can make an impact from wherever you are.

Florida Legislature 101 with Rep.  Eskamani

#DemandBetterFL PHONE Campaign 
for Saving Ballot Images for 
Over 11 Million Registered Voters in Florida
Join us as #DemandBetterFL. Make calls to your Supervisor of Elections, Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee, and Director Maria Matthews to demand better for all Floridians! 

Your goal is to call to make 2 phone calls. 
What am I calling about?
In response to a recently filed lawsuit in Florida and concern for election security, the Indivisible Florida Network is advocating for Supervisors of Elections in Florida to save the ballot images for over 11 million registered voters.

In a letter addressed to Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee and Department of State Director Maria Matthews, the Indivisible Florida Network, which represents over 16 state-wide groups and over 11,000 members, stated:
“We are writing to you to request that you direct all Florida Supervisors of Elections to preserve scanned digital ballot images in every election as a critical part of the election chain of custody.” 
How will it work? Our ask is simple, we are asking that all Supervisors of Elections in Florida save the scanned ballot images. See below for the contact information and talking points. We are asking that you call your Supervisor of Elections, Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee, and Director Maria Matthews:
Florida Secretary of State Laurel Lee Tallahassee 850.245.6500 Twitter:
Director of Florida Division of Elections Maria Matthews Tallahassee (850) 245-6520 
Talking Points:
 Floridians deserve impartial, accurate, transparent, trackable, and publicly verified elections. I request that you set the voting system to SAVE ALL DIGITAL BALLOT IMAGES. Will you commit to ballot traceability and election integrity?
 Floridians are requesting that you follow the law and save all ballot images in the August Primary Election, the November General Election, and all elections thereafter. 
 Floridians need to hear from you. We need a PUBLIC CAMPAIGN announcing that you will SAVE ALL DIGITAL BALLOT IMAGES as required under the law.
 Florida voters are asking that you commit to ballot traceability and election integrity. Will you go on record and agree to SAVE ALL BALLOT IMAGES?
 Your job is to ensure publicly verified elections. Will you ensure that signed poll tapes are posted outside every polling place immediately after the polls close?

"Secret police, unmarked, patrolling streets, throwing people into unmarked vehicles and sweeping them away—that's what you get from authoritarian dictators," Sen. Jeff Merkley said in a speech on July 21, 2020. (Photo: Screengrab/C-SPAN)

Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden ask for your help fighting the "secret Trump paramilitary" that invaded Oregon.

Trump sent unmarked federal troops to invade Portland & whisk protestors to secret jails.

Senators Jeff Merkley, Ron Wyden, and Chris Murphy have introduced an amendment to the must-pass defense bill to stop the Trump Administration from sending its paramilitary squads onto America's streets.
Their colleagues on both sides of the aisle need to know the public is paying attention and won't tolerate this.
Sign on as a supporter of their emergency proposal HERE.


Barbara Blonder
City of St. Augustine City Commission, Seat 2
View her website here



A Note About COVID 19

In light of COVID-19, Vote Forward encourages our community to prioritize taking care of yourselves, loved ones, and neighbors.  Your health is our top priority.  If you'd also like to help people vote safely, writing letters now is a simple, effective way to volunteer form the comfort and safety of your home.

We also recognize the uncertainty surrounding the election process right now, including how people will vote this year.  One thing is certain though:  it's critical that they do so.  Whatever method Americans use to safely vote this year, receiving a handwritten Vote Forward letter will make them more likely to cast a ballot.  You can find detailed answers to common questions about our response to the pandemic on our COVID-19 FAQ page.   Adopt voters HERE.

We’re committed to supporting our groups as they work to build our movement and advance our shared priorities. And with our distributed match starting July 27 and the next round of grant applications rolling in right now, we need your help to do it. Can you donate $10 today so we can keep our group support programs running and fund all our work this year?



As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Indivisible St Johns Newsletter July 19, 2020


WEEK OF JULY 19, 2020 


Starting Monday, July 20, 2020, we are calling, emailing and writing our
individual Supervisors of Elections to request they SAVE all ballot images created by
tabulators at the polls. Redundancy is important. The request involves a simple choice
on the tabulator of SAVE ALL, SAVE WRITE INS or NONE. Your vote is counted from
this record as it is made. Please see the letter below that was sent from all Indivisible groups
in the FL Indivisiible Network to our Secretary of State Laurel Lee and the Director of Election Management, Maria Matthews.

There is a lawsuit pending naming them and 8 counties. There are OVER
11 MILLION FLORIDA VOTERS whose images are NOT being saved. See list
HERE. Lawyers filing this suit have the backing of various elected officials and
outside organizations. The main litigant, Mr Stautter, worked on the 2000
debacle here in Florida. These people have worked on election security for

Your supervisor may tell you they keep the paper ballots and that images are not
required by law. This lawsuit challenges the definition of ballot as the counted image
of your original intent. Aside from providing a back up in case of “lost” ballots,
this redundancy is especially critical in an election sure to be fraught with
difficulties. As always, we Indivisibles are informed and respectful.
You can learn about the issue in our letter below. You may find your Supervisor’s
contact information on the list above. See our letter HERE:


There have been questions about the upcoming August Primary.  There are few positions Dems can vote on in this primary.  Joan Anthony is the only recommended candidate by the Blue Wave Coalition.  The other judges are all Republicans and no guidance is given about them.   Click HERE for the link to the Blue Wave candidates.
You can be voting right now with your mail-in ballot.

Here's info on the Democratic candidates in the Primary and the General Election, if you're seeking some guidance on making your choices.


Port Waterway and Beach--Group 2

Learn more about Jane HERE


A Note About COVID 19
In light of COVID-19, Vote Forward encourages our community to prioritize taking care of yourselves, loved ones, and neighbors.  Your health is our top priority.  If you'd also like to help people vote safely, writing letters now is a simple, effective way to volunteer form the comfort and safety of your home.

We also recognize the uncertainty surrounding the election process right now, including how people will vote this year.  One thing is certain though:  it's critical that they do so.  Whatever method Americans use to safely vote this year, receiving a handwritten Vote Forward letter will make them more likely to cast a ballot.  You can find detailed answers to common questions about our response to the pandemic on our COVID-19 FAQ page.   Adopt voters HERE.


Join in the Postcard Advocacy Group and let your voice be heard by those who need to hear it!     You can pick up postcards (free) at Grocer's Alliance on A1A, east of Bridge of Lions.


When you learn about your government, it's easier to hold it accountable & empower others!
Join Rep. Anna Eskamani on July 28, 5:30 pm
for a virtual workshop where we unpack the state legislature & discuss how you can make an impact from wherever you are.

Florida Legislature 101 with Rep.  Eskamani

Email from Indivisible

From July 27th through September 20th, all of the funds your group raises through the distributed fundraising program will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $350 per group! 


Lest we forget. . .
With the need for severe budget cuts,  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the state needs to spend its precious tax dollars on critical state needs (education, public health, the unemployed, housing -- the list goes on and on) and should immediately stop wasting money on M-CORES.

See one article here.

What can we  do?  We can lobby the task force members (and here) directly.  We can write letters to the editor.  WE CAN LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!

In light of COVID-19,


As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Indivisible Newsletter July 12, 2020



Due to the COVID threat, we've moved online AND statewide to make our general meetings worth your time. This way we can attract knowledgeable and bigger speakers. Please consider joining us on these Zooms. Sign up at the link provided. You'll get the Zoom link in advance of the event.

WEEK OF JULY 12, 2020



St. Johns School Board, District 2

Judge 7th Judicial Circuit of Florida Group 14


The Weekly List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump's First Year  - Book Cover

You lost out if you failed to  tune into Amy Siskind on July 9th.  Since Trump's  inauguration, she has  been keeping a weekly  list that tracks specific news stories representing eroding norms under the current regime.  She did say that she's more optimistic that if he does refuse to leave, the military would likely escort him out.  However, "if we lose, our democracy, as we know it, is over."  The key, she says, is turnout.  We must encourage early voting and we need to win "overwhelmingly".

July 15 | 12:00 PM EDT

Join award-winning author and activist Naomi Klein as she leads a discussion on protesting amid a pandemic and how to oppose the billionaires looking to build a high-tech dystopia in a socially distanced corona future. A dynamic and highly-sought after public speaker, Klein is the inaugural Gloria Steinem endowed chair of media, culture and feminist studies at Rutgers University and a senior correspondent at The Intercept. She is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author, most recently of On Fire: The Burning Case for A Green New Deal. A longtime activist, Klein is also one of the authors of Canada’s Manifesto, a blueprint for a rapid and justice-based transition off fossil fuels.
                                                             REGISTER HERE


When you learn about your government, it's easier to hold it accountable & empower others!
Join Rep. Anna Eskamani on July 28, 5:30 pm

for a virtual workshop where we unpack the state legislature & discuss how you can make an impact from wherever you are.


We've been through hell these last 4 years, and in 119 days we have one final chance to save this country. 
Over the last few months, we have watched COVID-19 ravage our country and we’ve struggled to pay bills through the economic collapse. We’ve flooded the streets through the tear gas and rubber bullets, protesting the unjust killing of George Floyd.
We are literally fighting for our lives in November and that is why work like this is so important right now. 

On July 2nd, Eleven Films released the Dangerous Ones, which quickly went viral. 
We were so honored at the overwhelming response and we want to thank everyone for sharing it. It was shared on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC that night as an effective way to motivate voters to vote. With your support, Eleven Films can produce a video every two weeks until we take the White House and Senate and grow the House.
NOW is the time to step up our game and that is why we are asking YOU to help DemCast and Eleven Films ensure these videos can be completed and broadcast across all social media channels.


Email from Indivisible

From July 27th through September 20th, all of the funds your group raises through the distributed fundraising program will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $350 per group! 



 Big Send is at 2.37 million letters. But we need 10 million. Please join your editor in writing letters!

 Some of us are introverts and shy away from making phone calls.  Writing a letter is just right for us!  Sending a Vote Forward letter is one of the easiest things you can do to increase election turnout. It only takes a couple of minutes and a stamp to meaningfully increase the odds that a fellow citizen will vote.  Click HERE for info.


With the need for severe budget cuts,  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the state needs to spend its precious tax dollars on critical state needs (education, public health, the unemployed, housing -- the list goes on and on) and should immediately stop wasting money on M-CORES.

See one article here.

What can we  do?  We can lobby the task force members (and here) directly.  We can write letters to the editor.  WE CAN LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!



Indivisible St Johns signed on to a letter demanding that Senate leadership immediately end congressional recess and recall senators to the Capitol to swiftly pass legislation to provide election assistance grants to every state.

We should call Senators Rubio and Scott with this message!

Sen. Marco Rubio  202-224-3041  email:

Sen. Rick Scott  202-224-5274 email:


Konopacki's Kommentary


As always, we love to hear from you! Drop us a line that you are safe and healthy. 
Let us know if you need anything!