
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

In honor of March 8th, International Women's Day, Women's March Florida in conjunction with Women's March on Washington and National Women's Liberation will be hosting a Women's Strike (A Day Without A Woman) acting together to defend equity, justice and continue the fight for women's rights and the end of violence and oppression of ALL women and gender non-conforming groups.

WE DEMAND safety in public, private and common spaces for people of ALL GENDERS.

WE MOURN for those amongst us, those who have come before us, and those who will come after us who are subject to violence, exploitation and marginalization merely for being who they are.

Together we can light up the night with our hope, our grief and our love.

Let the "Day Without A Woman" end by TAKING BACK THE NIGHT TOGETHER.

Some candles will be provided but candle donations will be very well received. We encourage you all to wear RED for solidarity.

The vigil will be SILENT.

Please bring the following donations:
Battery operated tea lights
Plastic ups to hold candles

Monday, February 27, 2017

Indivisible St. John's joins National ACA Rally

Saturday, 2/25/17

In January, there was the Unity Rally, with about 2000 participants. A week later we had a first meeting of Indivisible St. Johns. 500 people showed up frustrated with the direction this Administration is trying to take us, and determined to resist. In a month we've come a long way.

Two weeks ago Bernie Sanders called for a national Rally in support of the ACA on February 25. A phone conversation between two friends germinated the idea of a local ACA demonstration. Indivisible St. Johns continued to organize itself into an inclusive group determined to resist.

Today was another milestone for the group. We've shown the ability to conceive a plan, communicate to our members, and get feet on the ground in protest, in less than a week! And we're just getting started!

We put out a beautiful call to action and people showed up. We had over 50 participants from all walks of life. Even a nurse coming or going to work joined in. We spontaneously divided into groups, one group on each corner of the big intersection of US 1 at the entrance to Flagler Hospital. We were in no way protesting the hospital, rather we were supporting the right of our citizens to healthcare.

We had an inspired group! Lots of jumping up and down, waving signs of support for the ACA, waving hands at passers by. We were encouraged by many honks of support, cheers waves and positive shouts of support. New friends were made, and old friendships reinforced. And we showed our respect for Flagler Hospital, because they help us all. We have our core of happy warriors and welcome our friends and neighbors to join the resistance!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Events this week:

2/21. Rubio office visit 1650 Prudential Dr. Jax 32207. 10:30-12:00. See his website for map,
details. Protest sponsored by Nassau Indivisible. Protest Muslim ban, demand independent
investigation into Trump / Russians,etc

2/21. Fox News Town Hall protest. PV Inn and Club. 6:45 pm. Sponsored by PV United for

2/23. Rutherford Town Hall. 4130 Salisbury Rd. Jax, 32216-6120 12:00-2:00 pm. Per
Indivisible guide. Bring a couple of questions. Show up early and develop a plan with other
Indivisibles BEFORE event. Show up! Very important!

2/25. Healthcare flash protest, inspired by Sanders/Schumer call to action. Suggest we show up
at US 1 outside Flagler hospital entrance 11:30-1:00. Bring a sign!

2/27. Spirit of America, Anti-Pro-Trump Rally East side of Bridge of Lions start point. Show up,
11:30-2:00 express your sentiment towards this administration

3/4 Explore Islam with your Muslim Neighbors. Islamic Center 2333 St. John's Bluff Rd Jax
32246 6:00-7:30 pm

March? Look for future rally plans

2/25 NAACP Winter Breakfast St. Paul AME Church 85 MLKing AV. St Aug. 32084 9:00 am

Thursday, February 16, 2017

See you at our Second Public Organizing Meeting:

Our first meeting was such a powerful event we are excited to announce our second meeting. This time we have found a larger venue! We are renting the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall! We will have a sound system and room for EVERYONE no lines in the hall this time. We will have a talk about what we have been up to, how we will be moving forward, and EXACTLY what you all can do to help. We will have sign-ups for specific committees and the SPACE to actually break off into our smaller groups to focus our energies and accomplish our goals.

Please Share our event page: